-Chapter: Forty-Six-

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The hot winds were unbearable and it was a struggle to keep my eyes open as sands flew everywhere. We hadn't still reached The Rayt but if the amount of sand that flew around was any clue, we were close. Each of us had wrapped a shawl around our face to protect it from the brutal winds that slapped our faces.

My heart pitied for the poor horses that seemed to move on despite the horrid conditions.

"The oasis should be close!" Asad yelled to us as he tried to control his horse that seemed to be protesting against him. Luckily for me, my mare was a calm creature that seemed to resolute in helping me. I was actually surprised by Barq and his master. Both of them seemed nonchalant as if this was something that happened too often. Qamar seemed calm too as he fought his away against the hot winds and towards The Rayt.

His behaviour was surprising to me and at the same time suspicious. How could he be so calm?

I shook my head, no; I could not think of him like that. He was the Monarch. He could not harm us, could he? Aqib and Laia were his family. Omar was his family.

Omar was also the person Qamar blamed for his wife's death. It was almost like a voice was chanting inside my head. Instinctively, as if he had heard the voice, Qamar looked at me. Even with the shawl wrapped around his face I could see his eyes - it looked glassy; dead.

A shudder ran through my spine. Sensing my unease, my horse stopped trotting.

"Is there something wrong, Ay?" Asad called out in the wind. I shook my head as I heeled the horse to continue moving. She hesitated slightly but continued moving. I could feel Qamar's gaze on me still and I looked up to meet his eyes. It wasn't dead anymore and there was confusion clearly evident in his eyes.

I blinked. What was this?

I shook my head in response to my own thoughts. I needed to have a clear mind, I needed to focus on the Prince.


A strangled cry rose from the wind and our horses twitched nervously. Qamar looked in the sky alert and a goosebumps appeared in my skin. Something dark had been let loose, I could feel from within. I shuddered again at the very thought. I could feel it's tendrils wrapping around me, grabbing me and pulling me towards it.

I didn't know what it was. The only time I had felt this way was when I had first seen the palace. But this was stronger -- so strong! My head spinned in circles, my breath was shallow. I could feel the pulsating energy of whatever it was that was attacking me. It was so raw! It was hungry! It was angry!

It wanted something.

It wanted me!


A strange voice echoed in my head. It was like a loud whisper, it was blood curdling. I could terror, the hopelessness, the darkness...

It was too dark. I couldn't see anything anymore. I couldn't feel the horse under me. I couldn't feel the hot winds on my face. I couldn't feel anything...

Something was happening. Something was wrong.

Betrayed. Betrayed. Betrayed.

I could hear someone laughing in my head - a woman! No; I wasn't sure. It could be anyone. Who was she? What was she?

Where was I? I wasn't riding the horse anymore. I was somewhere but I was numb. Where had I gone? What was this place? I couldn't see - darkness, so much darkness!

It was like I was floating; nothing was pulling me down but at the same time I couldn't fight my way out of it. The voice that I heard echoed in the darkness. I wasn't too sure if it was inside my head or outside.

Where was I? Where were my friends? Where was my brother?

"Ayah!" A voice. It was a voice. Someone was calling out for me. I knew the voice. I recognised it. It reminded me of home.



The woman was furious now. The pulsating grew louder in my head. It thumped inside me and around me. I wanted to move my hand and close my ears. I wanted to open my eyes, I wanted to see...


I wanted to scream, I wanted to tell them that I was here. I was here, here, here.

"Ay!" The voice jolted me as if lightening had struck inside me. The warmth flooded in my body, it wasn't too hot, it was pleasant, it was needed.

"Baby sister!"

I opened my eyes and gasped. The blazing sun made my eyes tear up but squinted to look at the people around me. I could see their faces worried - Laia, Qamar and Asad.

My brother's eyes were red as if he was crying. My head was placed on his lap and he was holding me close to him. He sighed in relief and pressed his forehead against mine.

"What happened?" I heard Laia ask but I didn't respond. I wanted to feel my brother's embrace. I wanted to feel the comfort, the sense of security that reminded me of home.

Something wet dropped on my cheek but I ignored it. It could be my tear, it could be his. It didn't matter.

"Is she sick?" I heard Qamar's voice. He was worried. Why would he be worried?

"No," Asad shook his head, "I don't know."

What happened? I moved my hands and the little effort tired me.

Asad looked at Qamar and Laia, "We don't know but we can tell you what we saw. We heard a scream - it was harrowing! And..." He looked at me with concern.

"You started doing something. It was just your hands...they were moving in such speed. I couldn't translate because I could not understand. And then..."

"Then you fell limp," Laia completed it for him. She glanced at Qamar, "We thought you were dead but Qamar pulled you from your horse and checked your pulse. He said you were fine but something had happened. The second we pulled you away from the horse, she ran away. We had to put you with Qamar and you remained that way until now."

"It was scary." Asad added.

I looked between them bewildered. I couldn't help but feel that they were joking.

How long have I been out? I asked my brother.

"Two days." He said in a sullen tone.

I blinked in surprise! Two days! But I had...how long had I stayed in the darkness? Why didn't I have any memory of this?

Where are we? I couldn't help but ask.

Asad smiled ruefully, "Welcome to the oasis."

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