-Chapter: Thirty-Three-

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I stared at the door to my brother's room with hesitation and confusion. We had returned from our outing and everyone had retired to the room. In my room, I could not help but think about Qamar and it was then that a risky idea had formed in my mind. But for its implementation, I needed my brother's help.

I walked towards his door and placed my hand on its handle. I bit my lip and imagined what his reaction would be if I told him my plan. He would think that I was delusional and simply too naïve. He would tell me to go to sleep. And worst of all, he would probably refuse to help me.

I moved away from the door and scratched my head worried. Maybe it was a risky idea; maybe I should sleep on it. My brother was not going anywhere but at the same time I could not help but feel that this was the right time. I took a shaky breath and knocked. I decided to knock thrice and if he did not open the door, I would go back to my room and forget about this idea.

I waited patiently nodding to myself and then knocked again. I leant towards the door to see if I could hear anything. I could not. He must have fallen in deep sleep. I closed my eyes and asked myself again whether what I was doing was right. I did not know. But then again, I could no more differentiate between right and wrong. The line had blurred and I had taken decisions that may not have been right according to many people including my brother. The least I could do was to tell him why I was making these decisions. We had been distant lately and maybe asking him to help could be a step for us to be close again or at least better than we were.

I knocked at the door for the third time, louder and then rotated the handle to step inside.

The room was dark and only moonlight seeped inside through the drapes. I walked towards his bed and stared at him as he slept. He looked healthier now; life in the palace had changed his looks. Something told me that he did not mind living here. How would he react when it would be time for us to go away? I frowned and stared at my hand---how would I react?

I placed my hand on his shoulder and shook him lightly. He stirred but did not open his eyes; folding his arms against his chest he went back to sleep. A small mischievous smile appeared on my face as this time I shook him hard. He jolted awake, eyes wide and hair carelessly poking everywhere. His hand instinctively went under his pillow as his eyes searched his room and landed on me.

"Ayah," he said in relief and I nodded grinning slightly.

He rubbed his face and then slapped himself lightly to wake up. Then he looked at me.

"I am not dreaming," he stated and then narrowed his eyes, "What are you doing here?"

I could see that sleep had left his eyes now that he realized that I was actually there. I could see his mind working trying to pinpoint the reason behind me coming to him. I figured I would save him trouble as I answered.

I need help.

"It is too dark, Ayah," he sighed and I repeated my hand movement slowly.

"I am not going to like this, am I?" He asked once I was done. I shook my head in response.

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