- Chapter: Twenty One -

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Our mouth hung open as we came near to the palace

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Our mouth hung open as we came near to the palace. It felt inadequate to call it a palace, this place was a stronghold.

The citadel was a mesmerising piece of architecture - a fortress that had managed to see the rise and fall of many Monarchs

The enormous royal citadel, Aqib had explained, covered almost ten acres of land. It consisted of two palaces. One, where the Monarch held meetings with his courtiers and where diplomats visited him. This was bigger and according to the public was the main palace. The another palace was for private residence of the Royal family - away from the politics. This palace was smaller in size and well protected behind the main palace. An open courtyard connected the two palaces. The smaller palace had a private garden for the Royal Family. The citadel also comprised of the other complexes that were used by the courtiers in the administration of the Kingdom and where the important noblemen, like Master Wali, resided.

From a poor girl's perspective, the citadel was a piece of heaven. As the gates opened and we entered we could help but gape at the architectural masterpiece made of red stone. There was nothing extravagant about it but at the same time there was something unique about that we never saw or could imagine before.

Initially, Master Wali had wanted Asad and me to reside in these complexes along with him. But Prince Omar had refused, he wanted us closer to the Monarch. Hence, we were to reside in their private palace along with the Royal Family.

"Who all lives there?" Asad managed to ask.

"The sisters of the Monarch are married and live happily with their husbands. So as of now, it is just the Prince, the Monarch and I." Aqib smiled at us.

"You live with the Monarch?" Asad gasped.

"I live with my wife, but yes, I share the same palace as the Monarch."

"You have a wife?" Asad blinked. He looked ridiculous. But I was shocked at that piece of information too. Aqib did not look like a husband.

Aqib laughed and waved a finger at us, "Why do you think I wear this? I am not a man of fashion!"

He was referring to his ring that he wore in his hand. I did not even notice it before. I mentally scolded myself. I needed to be more observant, especially in a strange land with strange people.

"I cannot imagine you committed."

"Why? Is it because of my boyish look? When you see my wife you'll know why I wanted her to be mine so quick. I still fear that other men may take her away from me." He winked. An odd habit of his that always took me by surprise.

I could not help but smile. She must be a lucky woman to wed Aqib. A woman always wanted two things from a man - loyalty and safety. And Aqib comprised both of these qualities. Safety, in my opinion, did not mean simply protection from enemies. It meant safety from her man, himself. It meant that no matter what, he would not harm her even if others did.

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