🔥 NEWS & FAQ 🔥

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Here are some frequently asked questions & their answers (if you have more, let me know in the comments section below!)

Will there be a sequel?

Yes and no.

There will be a sequel to this story but it won't have any of the main characters coming back. It is just based in the same world - not Alam - but neighbouring countries.

There is a link - already present in Talking to the Moon - that will link these stories. It is subtle but there.

Unfortunately, the sequel won't have any cameo appearances either. Ayah, Omar & Qamar's story is done.

Will there be one shots written of Ayah & Omar?

Honestly, that completely depends on whether I am in the mood to deal with that. I cannot confirm or deny anything.


No one - I repeat - no one loves Omar as much as I do. In some ways I love him more than I love Ayah. But, let's be honest, did you really think that could work? Look at the circumstances! I just could not see it happening. Also, if I am not mistaken; Omar did not say he loved her. He said he had romantic feelings. It could be infatuation. He is intrigued by her, no doubt, and they do have a connection. But happily ever after?

So soon?

She is seventeen!

Why that ending?

The other ending that I had in mind would have been brutal. I think it would have been more satisfying for you readers. But I don't write to satisfy readers. Sorry if that is rude!

Also as the title blatantly suggests - the story was of Ayah & Qamar. How does the title suggest that: Talking to the Moon.

Moon = Qamar.

I wanted to show two characters. (I don't know if I succeeded or failed miserably).

One of them has everything. He is royal, he is a Monarch, he can have anything he wants in a matter of seconds. Yet, he feels like he has nothing.

The other one is Ayah; she is happy with what she has. She is disabled, poor and undermined. She does feel like a burden sometimes - because she is human! - but overall, she is content with her life.

When she lost someone she loved; she channelled her grief to do good. When Qamar lost, he became miserable. Of course, the Leader helped enhance that feeling. But he was responsible too. That was the story! About them. It wasn't about Omar & Ayah. He was the middle ground: the link that connected both of them.

I am sorry if it wasn't what you were expecting. I am genuinely sorry. But I just can't do it.




Well that's not news but you get the point! I am writing a new novel which is completely unlike Talking to the Moon. It is Sci-Fi and stars a completely narcissistic MC who is actually not as bad as I pitch him to people.

If you are interested in chess, space adventure, thirty-year-old men behaving like teens & banter. This is the story for you!

I'll add the link somewhere here ->

Here is the gorgeous cover solidarity_ made for me:

Here is the gorgeous cover solidarity_ made for me:

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I will keep updating this chapter with more news & FAQ's so keep a look out!


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