Chapter 5 x

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A few months passed and it was December. Amethyst burst into the dorm "He's gonna tell his parents." She cried cheerfully and was beaming

"That's good?" Rey asked.

"It is! We've been beating around the bush for 4 years. Avoiding being near each other and such... This is such a great moment!"

"Do I get to know?"

"Well, I don't know."

"What does that mean?"

"You'll flip when you find out who it was?"

"Fine. Tell me whenever. But you better tell me! I hate not knowing stuff."

"Will do!" she grabbed Rey's hands and spun around. "We are semi public!"

Rey laughed, pleased for her friend. "Oh..." The laughter died, "I don't know what's happening at Christmas, do I go back to the orphanage....or..."

"You should ask Principal Organa." Amethyst said.

"Yeah. I'm meeting Ash later. We are going a walk. So back to you. Do you think his parents will like you?"

She froze. "They... Uh... Already know me."

"What do you mean"

"Well like I said everyone is connected. And well he's a little deeper than what I should be in..." she toyed with her finger nails.

"Amethyst..." Rey began.

"So ash is taking you on a walk hmmm?"

"Yeah. He said since it's cool outside its best to take in the scenery." she said and took note of the sudden change in topic

Rey bundled up and opened the front door. "I'll be back soon." Rey said.

"See you later lover girl" amethyst smiled.


The walk was casual. Their conversation like always was filled with academic topics.

"Oh on the way back can we stop by Principal Organa's office? I don't know if I have to stay here or go back to the orphanage."

"You're from an orphanage. Which one?"

He began to ask her more questions about the orphanage which she answered. And then he stopped her. "Do you want to say anything more?"


"Everyone should have their last words!" said Ash and he pulled out a gun on her. She tackled him without much thought, her reflexes saving her, and they got into it. It was when they were separated and she struggled to move, that she realised her ribs ached and her leg was bleeding. The latter the result of a bullet injury and she remembered the gun going off as they tackled. She grabbed him, again and he threw her away. Out of nowhere came Chewey who grabbed his throat with his teeth and kept thim there.

Rey felt sick. Really sick. "Rey!" A voice shouted and she looked up as Amethyst ran to her.


"Shhhh. It's gonna be ok." She shushed her friend. "Han is gonna be here soon." She said applied pressure to her wound. "Stay with me"

"It's just a leg wound." Rey said. "The worst that could happen unless I get blood poisoning is that it gets amputated."

Han was taking too long. Kylo Ren saw that they were struggling. He ran over and picked up the small woman. "No time to lose" he started to run towards the nurse. Han came over and started to deal with Ash.

"GO!" He yelled. Kylo wasn't even within earshot because he was already half way across campus. Amethyst was close behind.


When Rey woke up Amethyst was sitting in the chair beside her, her head resting on Rey. She soon woke up when Rey stirred.

"Are you okay?" Amethyst asked quickly.

"Yeah. Ash...what the hell?!" Rey uttered. Her speech slower than normal because of the drugs she was on but it wasn't slurred.

"You acted pretty quick according to the security footage if you hadn't you'd have been dead. The bullet pierced a major artery in your leg but I guess...but your chances were still optimised."

"When can I get back to school. I have to see Principal Leia."

"No. She's dealing with someone right now." amethyst said smoothed Rey's hair. "I'll have her come down though."

"What's going on?" Rey asked.

"Well Ash is at the police station. Ummmm Mr Ren is being rung out like a wet towel."



"Rey" A voice uttered, it was Leia. "You're awake. Good."

The woman let out a sigh of relief and smiled at the girl.

"Oh yes umm...I'm really sorry I've been such a bother." Rey said and hung her head.

"Oh honey you haven't been a bother at all. Are you in a lot of pain? I can get the nurses..." Leia began.

Rey shook her head. "No. Principal Organa..."

"I know you must have a lot of questions but let's let the police handle them okay?" Leia interjected.

"Ummm,..okay. Am I going to the orphanage for Christmas?"

"You stay here dear. I mean in the school."

"Okay." Rey got confident, a confidence fuelled by her curiosity. She could sense the tension between the two. "So what happened?"

"Nothing important, just some family drama." Leia gritted out, before forcing a smile. "Get well soon" she said before leaving.

Amethyst got up. "Take it easy. The nurses will take care of you."

"Ok. Thanks."

"Of course." Rey grabbed Amethyst's hand.

"Hey is Chewey okay?" Rey asked.

"Yes. He's fine! We had to bath him in case Ash complained that some of his wounds were induced by him. Han was proud."

"Will you be back later?"

"I will see you tomorrow."

"Right." Said Rey.

She sighed and hugged herself. Then turned to read a card on the table beside her bed,

I'm glad you're alright. I hope you're not in too much pain and will get better soon. Kind regards Mr Skywalker.

Rey smiled. "Oh you got the card then." A nurse said as she walked into the room. "He was quite worried while we whipped you into surgery. Next of kins usually are"

Rey blinked.

'Next of Kin?'

"So how are you feeling Miss Skywalker?" the nurse asked.

Rey's eyes looked on at the nurse in complete and utter shock before speaking up finally. "Sore and tired. Can I have something to make me sleep?"

"I'll be back in a minute then." The nurse said and left. Rey rested her head on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling.


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