Chapter 13

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It was the day Kylo and Amethyst would find out the sex of their baby, and any other surprises of the pregnancy as well. They didn't know it yet but there was going to be a surprise.

Kylo easily hid his face from everyone in the office. Amethyst simply rolled her eyes at him and played on her phone.

An hour passed before they were called into the office. Kylo stayed right beside Amethyst. He was completely uneasy in the situation. He was visually significantly older than Amethyst. He was taller too. The staff were probably looking at him judgingly. That irked and uneased him. But he stood there quiet as the staff worked.

The nurse checked Amethyst's heart beat, breathing, ears... The usual. Then finally the ultrasound was to be done. The gel was cool when they applied it, Amethyst let out a noise. The nurse laughed. "Cold?"

"Not at all. Nice and warm!." Amethyst joked sarcastically, smiling at the nurse. "how's it look?"

"Well let's find out." she replied and moved the sensor around. The couple looked at the screen. She smiled at the moving bodies.... Wait bodies? "Twins!" the nurse said smiled. "Congratulations."

"What are they?" Kylo asked. Not rudely. He was curious, excited even. Amethyst believed it has finally hit him that he is going to be a father.

The nurse moved the sensor over. "It looks like a boy and.... A girl!" Amethyst watched the screen, at the two lives growing inside of her. Two actual living humans! They moved around a little. "They are still quite small since you're so early in development, expect big changes soon." She turned off the machine and wiped down Amethyst's toso.

"Thank you." The teen sat up and smiled at her. "Is there anything I need to do, avoid?"


"Is everything alright with the... the children?" Kylo asked.

"There was nothing wrong from what I saw. Good job." The nurse said and patted Amethyst's shoulder.

Kylo helped her up. "Thank you." he said, as he took Amethyst's hand and headed to the door with her.

The nurse opened it for them. "How old are you? You look so young." The nurse finally asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"18." Amethyst said and blushed. The nurse's eyes widened in surprise then her eyes moved to Kylo. Obviously he was so much older than the female. "I'm not in high school. " Amethyst quickly said, feeling suddenly like that would just make the situation worse and worse awkward.

"As long as it was consensual." The nurse said pointedly.

"It was." they replied at the same time, before leaving as quickly as possible.


They had just gotten in the car when Kylo's phone began to ring. He answered it immediately, putting it on speaker phone. "Yes?"

"So, how is my grandchild?" Leia's voice asked on the other side of the call.

"You tell her." he whispered to Amethyst.

"Grandchildren. There's two." Amethyst nodded and replied to her future mother in law.

"Two?" She shouted. "Twins. Awww. You know it runs in the family." she started to trail off.

"Yes mother. I know." Kylo remarked and made a turn. "Boy and a girl."

"This changes everything." She announced.

"Crap." Amethyst mumbled.

"Mom. I've got to go. Bye!" Kylo called to the phone.

"Bye honey."

Kylo pressed the end button

"What kind of names are you thinking of?"

"Already? I mean. We just found out."

"You should've been thinking of names to begin with." he scolded lightly. "Anakin."


"For our son. Anakin"

"Your grandfather's name?"

"Yes." He said and nodded. "Since I was named after god knows who, this way I actually know who my child is being named after." They stopped at a red light.

"But it's such an-"

"Such a what?"

"I don't want my child to be bullied for this name babe."

"That's the only name I am going to fight you about. Our son is going to be named after my grandfather."

"Fine. Then I am going to name the girl."

"What then?" He laughed at her pouting face.



"Yes. Like it could be a thing. Naming our daughter after gemstones."

"I guess." the light turned green and he started to drive onward."As long as-"

"Our son is Anakin. An awful name that is bound to get him bullied for the rest of his life. Then yes."

"No he won't."

"If he comes home crying even once about his name then I'm taking it out on you for coming up with that awful excuse of a name."

"Whatever you say dear." He said. He grabbed her hand and kissed it lightly. "I love you". Amethyst's heart fluttered. She couldn't remember the last time he ever said that to her. Or actually meant it while saying it.

"I love you too" she stumbled out.


Amethyst made it back to her dorm. Rey was grumbling while looking at her notes.

"Didn't you just take the tests?"

"I want to make sure I didn't miss anything."

"Nerd!" Amethyst mocked. "you have most likely passed."

"How do you know? What never mind I already know the answer." she looked away from her notes.

"They aren't going to help you now!"

"I know. So how did it go."

"Well. It went well. But..... I am going to be having twins!"

"Twins?!" Rey jumped up and hugged her dorm mate. "congratulations. Double the problems though."

"I know. It runs on Kylo's side of the family. Which is fine, but I wasn't ready for one. Let alone two."

"Double the love though."

"Double the love!" amethyst agreed.

"Well good for you." Rey said and opened the fridge, her face looking puzzled.

"Will you go get Poe and Finn later? I want to tell them. I want to take a nap first."

"Sure." Rey replied and watched Amethyst leave.

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