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Okay, I'm sure most Mundane/Mortal/Muggle parents would have a sleeping schedule, like bed at 10pm or some schist like that.

When you're a normal person and NOT a Mary Sue, you're slightly insomniac, like right now I'm writing this at 12am, name one person who has a sleeping schedule they follow religiously, one.

Also the OC or MCs ALWAYS pass out to end a chapter, or they fall asleep, like have you ever heard of cliffhangers? Uncle Trolly Rick can give you a lesson or two, it creates plot and more drama, it's like this:

I waved at Percy then passed out

I smiled at Nico and passed out

I winked at Harry and passed out

I flew with Max and then passed out

I inhaled then promptly passed out

See, are you auditioning or creating a new reality TV show called KnockOut, cause if you're gonna pass out after breathing then you're not human, you're a Mary Sue.

Also you can't fall asleep in two seconds, it's imposhibruh, and scientists proved that, also, what's up with people having a dream and not thinking it's important, then when it is being able to recall the other persons exact height of 5'10.1737362636, I don't asleep how, I can barely remember a nightmare.

And the fancy terms for falling asleep, such as:

'I embraced the darkness and thought no longer'

'I enveloped sleep with wide arms'

'A wave of darkness called sleep fell over me'

Just type 'a-n-d t-h-e-n I f-e-l-l a-s-l-e-e-p'
doesn't look like much, which it isn't, but it's and looks more normal then fancy terms and lettering, I could read Morse Code easier then some fan fics, ... . .-. .. --- ..- ... .-.. -.--(seriously)


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