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Apparently when a eight year old's writing a fanfic, grammar is thrown out the window and replaced with grammer.

The thing is, I'm a Grammar Nazi, don't mix up their, there, or they're. Know the difference between its and it's. Know when to end your paragraph instead of a big, comma-filled, sandwich of a chapter.

Don't include emoticons, some authors pull it off, but some make me wanna hit them with a brick.

Authors that pull it off:
Me~ 'O'

Her~ (OAO)

Brook~ (O-O)

Mom~ (o^-^)o

Authors that don't:
An den I wuz lik 'O' an sha wuz like OAO an Broooook's has a skarde lok lik O-O LOL TTYL SYLL GTGAKTM an mum wuz lik (o^-^)o jus cuz

Okay that hurt my brain, but seriously, grammar and consistency is key to not fudging up your fanfic.

There's a thing called autocorrect and voice command for those specific people that spell things for you, or help you spell.

Also, there's slang, Australian slang, British slang, Jersey slang, southern slang, JUST A WHOLE BUNCH OF SLANG THAT YOU SOULDN'T INCLUDE IN YOUR BOOK!!

If your American and call your mom, mum, I have no words, if you randomly start saying Bloody 'ell, WTF, that's all I can say, fellow Americans, stop being Britain wannabes.



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