How To: Jazz Up Your Story

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Okay. We've all been there. 

Those times we just have no idea on how to make our story actually sound INTERESTING

But it's okay! We've all been there! So here you go: How To: Jazz Up Your Story!

There are things called adjectives, descriptive words (which I'm sure you know). We all overlook them or underrate them. They help our stories come to life, create a mind picture for our readers. Here are some examples before and after using adjectives.


BEFORE: There was snow on the road.

AFTER: The gray slush coated the road, once beautiful white, as the cars sped by splashing it across the sidewalk. etc. etc. 

BEFORE: Her eyes were blue.

AFTER: Her eyes, blue as the sky, stared, piercing into their hearts. etc. etc.

See? So simple yet we overlook it. You could also use Instead of using big  you could use ginormous or gigantic. It's simple! 

Hope that helped! 

With Weirdness Forever,


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