holy Asahi, they're A L I V E! ! !

37 2 16

urm.... I'm alive??????

So for those who don't know who I am (aqf, it's probably everyone not in SPAM FAM), I'm Jay™, previously known as BornADragonRider/AntisocialMexican.

Now, good news, I finally logged on.

Bad news: It's the final time.

See, over the two(ish???) years I've been off, I married Cedi's friend Sarah, and six other people who have made me the happiest gendefluid bitch in a while. ((Yeah, I'm homoromantic, gendefluid.))

So, I've lost some passion in writing PJO fanfics with diverse characters, and instead ingrained myself in socializing with people in the fandom community. I've written a successful AOT fanfic with nearly 5k veiws.

Oh yeah, I'm also the biggest anime dork you will probably ever meet that is not a weeb. (Other than my wife Trix.) I'm obsessed with Haikyuu!! for the time being(courtesy of Trix) and I cri because it's so dam beatiful. (DAISUGA IS FUCKING CANON AND NO ONE CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE, YA HEAR? My tol farmer son is underappreciated ;-;)

So my wives and I made a joint account while we we're still all in middle school. We had all the time to write oneshots for rare pairs(like LeoxEcho, Pipabeth, Jercy. Even an OC crackship that I love writing out[Tyson].) But now, I barely have motivation to log on my other joint account and post the crack-shots.

The thing is, I want my fics to be read, I want them to be different. I mean, what other SPN book has a biracial, genderfluid, adult incubus as a main character? (It's still in drafts, so don't get too hyped.) I've had many side stories in planning, for ammo in case I have to revive my dying joint account.

Yeah, rants are fun. But unless you have the plots to prove it, you're just another ranting ghost reader, and tbh, when I started, my writing style was shit, until I had started honing my creativity and laying out plots. I started getting votes and encouraging comments, sweet readers, and I kinda just wanted to focus on that, and the reward was g9.

I also talk on the daily to my wives and adopted son(we adopted a smol bean named Aiden, who's innocence I ruined...). Fuck, they help me get over my social anxiety and listen to my many rants when I was raised as a passive agressive child. And I'm grateful.

But that means I don't have time.

I've always been shitty with my time managment. And with highschool dawning on me(yeah, I'm a 9th grader now), I've been falling into bouts of insomnia, omly to break out of the three/four days with three-five hours of sleep, and sleep for eleven hours.

So due to motivational problems, personal and social issues, and unfinished book ideas I want so badly to succeed, I'm sorry to say(if you're still here after reading that shit fest), pardon my sudden resignment.

~Jay(previously known as BADR)

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