Cliches That Are Soooo Annoying

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Don't you mean all of them, Lizzie? 


But I'm pointing out a few in particular that are annoying AF.

~The main character has to be drop-dead gorgeous, but everybody else thinks she's ugly. She's bullied and all that crap and then she finds a boy who ACTUALLY sees she's pretty and then they live happily ever after, riding magical, sparkle-pooping, confetti-burping unicorns over the rainbow.

OMG. so there's this girl named Tiffany and she thinks I'm so ugly and now the whole school bullies me and I'm a sad loner.

Like, do main characters HAVE  to bullied? Like I understand the whole "jealous" thing. But to go to an extent to make the WHOLE FRICKING SCHOOL hate on her: LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!  


Do they REALLY have to be pretty? I mean, I'm being a hypocrite because all of my characters are pretty. I'm not the prettiest flower in the flower patch, I'll tell you that. I have a gigantic nose and I am NOT overstating it. I am beginning to realize that NOT EVERYBODY IS PRETTY.

So I'm making a few characters that you may classify as "ugly". 

But how dare we? Calling people ugly? There is no ugly on the outside. It's only on the inside. EVERYONE is pretty. Someone just has to show you that.


Haha! My first hashtag! 

We need to become one and realize that we aren't ugly, because 

The only ugly girls are the ones that don't realize that beauty comes from within.

~Daniel Howell

This is literally one of my favorite quotes in the world. 

(Also Dan's ma baby)


*does mental exercise for 10 hours*

I'm ready! Time for the next.

~The main character HAS to think that the whole world has turned against her. 

OMG! They are being so sweet and kind! They HATE me!!!

Like, girl, take 394 chill pills. 

The world is not going to pull a kind-but-secretly-evil ploy on you and BETRAY you. Some people actually ARE sweet and nice!

~The hotty has to be evil. Or everyone THINKS he's evil.

Aha! A cute, kind, handsome, adorable, etc. boy has just stepped into my life!  THEY MUST BE EVIL! KILL HIM WITH FIRE!!! BURN THE WITCH!!! AVADA KEDAVRA!!! CRUCIO!!! ALL THOSE OTHER KILLING/TORTURING SPELLS!!!


Unless this is a series or movie that has a past of making evil cute dudes, YOU'LL LIVE. 

~Those annoying names that are used for ALL prissy or stuck up people cheerleaders and jocks.

Tiffany, Stephanie, Jessica, Cassandra, Stacey, Mackenzie/MacKenzie, Mark, Channing, Brock, Chase, Wayne, Brandon, Logan, Marco, Brody, Amanda, Hayley, Taylor, Vanessa, Tracey came over and bullied me. UGH, THOSE JOCKS AND CHEERLEADERS.


Don't you have ANY imagination?! Or have access to websites?! 

I have a character called Georionia, for crying out loud! (I changed it recently to Geonia because Georionia is too long)

Have some diversity!

~Cheerleader/most popular girl in the school ends up with nerd boy or nerd girl ends up with jock/most popular boy in the school.

I snuck a peek at Marco. He snuck a peek at me and we both blushed and turned away. I WAS IN LOVE. Even though we have different statuses and cliques and that ish, WE BROKE THOSE BOUNDARIES.




~Just cheerleaders and jocks in general! Have some different cliques! Like @MeanGirls. There were so many different groups in that movie! Have some imagination, because it's not only me who's sick of this cheerleader/jock romance crap. 

~The love-hate relationship. Where they start off as like mortal enemies and then are just like suddenly flirting with each other. For example at school, the girl and the boy both like poetry and Shakespeare and all that stuff, and then they fight on like debates and stuff like nobody else is in the room. She thinks that the boy has a big ego and full of himself and he thinks she's emotionless and stuck up.

~Making your characters impossibly perfect.

~The "tortured back story"

~The abusive parents

~The dead brother/sister

~The revenge that comes with it

~Thinking they caused a death especially their mother/father/sister/brother's

~Having a disease, like an eating disorder or something and like making a Fault in Our Stars: The Sequel

And that's all! I have a bunch more, but I think I'll make a second part to this. 

Thanks for the reads and support, y'all. You da bombs. 

With Weirdness Forever,

Lizzie :) 

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