How To: Deal With Non-Book People

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*bangs head on desk*

Okay! So I think I'm doing a series of these things, relating to books, fans, fandoms, stuff like that. I don't think I will be doing like the outside world like bullies, society. But if you want, I will add it to this series. 

Anyway, today's topic is on:

How To: Deal With Non-Book People

By non-book people I mean:

-People who aren't interested in books

-Loves Instagram and Snapchat and thinks books are trash

-Boys (most)

-People who watch the movie ONLY

-People who watch the movie and blame the book for being wrong

-People who tell you to "Go back to your book" when your doing something normal.

-I guess you know what I mean now.

"Go back to your book" -Person (This was actually told to me and my friends. A boy in our class)

"Gladly. Anything to get away from you." -My response. 

"Yeah. THE BOOK NERDS said that." (She was talking about me and my friends *the Secret Book Club* because we were talking about something and she was telling her friend. She was whispering and then said Book Nerds really loud for us to hear)

Our response- *Lilly (Mockingjay216) continues reading the Heir, Hannah (hwiegand6) continues reading Dorthy Must Die, Jill (Jill1024) is doing her homework, Ava (aemary) continues talking, and I (wizigod234) continue reading Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor*

Dude, who gives ANY crap about what people think of you? You decide if you care or not, and let me tell you, DON'T. Don't care because, girl, it's your life, you like books, you DEFINITELY like fictional boys better than the boys that treat you like that ^^^^^.  THEY DON'T NEED TO CARE. But they do. That's their problem. 

Like BOI. I like big books and I cannot lie. SO BACK OFF AND DEAL WITH IT. 

Then there are the people that don't mind. They got used to you, they don't mind because they got to know you, and your not just a nerdy girl who can list off the plot of any book or something. Ex.:

"Only Lizzie would bring a book to a book fair." *says lightheartedly, as a joke, not in a mean way* (Another boy in our class. Not better than the one up there ^^^ but at least he was somewhat nice)

"Yeah. My mom doesn't want me buying any more books. We have a library right next to us." *laughs*

SEE. You people out there who don't care about books. You can not like books and still be nice about it. Not mean. Just because you hate it doesn't mean you announce it and scold the people who do. 

Anyway, hope that helped. 

More to come! Peace out!

With Weirdness Forever,


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