Chapter 7

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A/N: Guys, I decided to change my suck-ish title (Tattoo'd Guardian(s)...?!) to Guarded Hearts. I think it's a huuge improvement and I'd like to thank 'Clairevoyant' for the suggestion! (:


Chapter 7

      I woke up Monday morning sleep deprived. Baggy eyes and a huge headache, the main mood-killer of the morning. I had been avoiding Jayden's calls all weekend. I didn't want to have to explain what happened at the party and have him analyse me and my feelings about the whole incident. I just wanted it to blow over and be forgotten about. I caved the day after the party and tried to call Kathy, she was still my best friend and I know it's weak of me for calling her, after everything she said... but I just felt like I needed her to understand. I never meant to hurt her. Maybe on some level she was right about me. After stressing over him the whole weekend, I came to terms that I may have a tiny, small, bite-size crush on Alex. It's not for his personality, I can tell you that. Although, his cocky demeanour's kind of growing on me and he does seem like he could be a nice guy. He DID help me out at the party. Then there's another part of me that's jealous of Jay's relationship with Rose. I guess I'm just not used to him dating.

     "Violet darling, I'm going to work. Make sure you're up and ready for school by the time Kathy arrives. I don't want another phone call about how your late to registration," my mother yelled up the stairs, before leaving for work.

     My parenst had arrived early this morning. Like, really early and they didn't fail to alert me of their arrival. Which in all, had also helped cause my lack of sleep. I suppose that's where I get my lack of stealth... My parents.

     I slowly stepped out of bed and proceeded to get ready; tugging on a plain black hoody and a pair of dark jeans - I don't need any attention directed at me after what everyone's probably heard by now. Walking down the stairs, I heard the familiar ring of the doorbell. I quickened my pace down the stairs and slid on a pair of trainers. I yanked open the door, hoping to find Kathy. Instead, there stood Alex.

     "Hey, you need a ride?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

     "No, it's fine. I can just get a ride off Jayden," I said smoothly.

      He smirked and gestured to his car with his head. "Well, that wouldn't exactly work out. Since, he's riding with us. Turns out, his car wasn't exactly working over the weekend and he didn't get a chance to get it repaired."

     I opened my mouth, preparing to speak when he cut in. "You're... you're not going to accuse me of tampering with his truck, are you?" he asked in faux shock.

     My eyes narrowed in anger. Nope, I was wrong about him. He IS a jerk. I walked passed him, to his car and grumpily sat in the backseat with Jayden. I smiled at him, but he only offered a bland smile in return. Oh right, I avoided him all weekend.

     "Hi Violet. Have a nice weekend?" Rose asked from the passenger seat.

     "It was just swell," I muttered, fakely smiling at her.

     Alex swung open the driver's door, breaking off the conversation. He turned on the engine and started driving; acting like he couldn't feel the obvious tension in the car.

     "So, how did you guys know about Jay's truck?" I asked knowingly.

     "We were driving to school and there he was... struggling pathetically to get his truck to work," Alex said, yawning.

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