Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

The rest of the night was spent smiling at ogling guests and trying to keep away from Damien's direct eye-line. The mood of the party had shifted and jazz music now played loud and hard. Guests now were more intoxicated, with men and women draped around one another. I stole a glance over at Damien to see him looking the same as when we first arrived. His suit still impeccable, his stature still straight and regal, and his facial expression still confident and bold. A part of me wished he wasn't in his senses, so I could make an escape. But honestly, in a room full of people I couldn't do that - not alone. And at least with him sober, I can anticipate how he'll act towards me. Damien being drunk around me is a scary concept, I don't want to think too much about.

The weight of my dress kept on pulling the neckline downwards, to which I kept on having to yank back up in annoyance. "Stupid dress." I muttered.

"It looks good on you."

I looked up to see Alyanna smirking down at me from her sky high stilettos. "Thanks."

"I heard you had a little encounter with Matthew."


"I know about everything here." She answered, already knowing my question and taking on a harsher tone. "Though I'm perplexed by why you're still here. He offered you an out, didn't he? Now take it."

"I can't leave my friend. I just can't." My mind flashed back to Kathy, innocent Kathy. How did she get mixed up in all of this.

She laughed. "She's not your friend. You have no friends here. Go back to the Human world, where you still have a chance at living. Just because I'm helping you out doesn't mean I still don't utterly despise you."

I swallowed hard as her eyes flashed red, like a small crimson flame dancing in the blacks of her eyes.

"I want to go back. I do. But...I can't leave her. She still has friends, a family...It's not right."

I squeezed and unsqueezed my fists, biting my lip. Kathy has been part of my life for as long as I remember. I grew up with her.

Her harsh demeanour faltered.

"Even if you wanted to, there's nothing you can do." She gazed off to look over at Kathy in the distance. "She chose her fate. She's dead in the Human world, she can't go back. I'm sorry."


"There's nothing you can do. There's nothing anyone can do. You can't play with the balance of life and death. And she's chosen death."

I heard the clunk of her shoes as she walked away. My mind went numb. Past memories of the two of us came rushing back.


I stood alone as an 8 year old, with a short stumpy braid and too many clips, playing a one-man game of hopscotch. I sometime felt a little left out when the others would play games together and not ask me to join them. But after a few months at the new school I was used to playing by myself and not feel as lonely as I did at the start.

A pretty blonde haired girl broke away from her group game of tag and came skipping over. I watched her come my way in curiosity as to what she was doing.

"Why are you playing alone?" She wore a pretty blue dress, with a matching blue bow. Though however sporting mudding shoes and scruffy hair.

"I dunno." I shyly looking down and wound my fingers with each other

She tugged at her pale blue dress and scrunched her eyebrows. She then looked back to the game of tag before setting her eyes back on me and smiling.

"I'm Kathy. What's your name?"

Even before I answered she lightly pushed me away and started to play hopscotch as I was earlier.

"Well?" She said, whilst mid-hop.

"It's Violet."



"It's nothing to get upset over." Kathy bit her lip as she looked at me. "It's seriously not that bad."

"Are you serious right now?" I shoved my hands to my face and peaked at her between my fingers.

"He came over to talk to us and I just...I just, I don't know what I even did and what I said. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't English."

"He probably wasn't even listening. And it was pretty loud as well. So, maybe he didn't hear..."

I shook my head and laughed lightly to myself.

"It was pretty funny, wasn't it?"

Kathy smiled and lightly punched my arm.

"Yep. And maybe with your second kiss, you'll actually be able to talk to the guy after it's over."

I laughed again. "I'm such an idiot."

I look at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, my cheeks were still a flushed pink as I hand combed through my hair in an effort to fix myself up.

"Yes you are. But guys like idiots, so you're winning right?" She put a finger to her chin in mock curiosity.

"Shut up." I laughed, dragging her out of the toilets.


The rest of the night I kept to myself. The guilt of having to leave Kathy overwhelming me too much to fake happiness and a smile to the other guests.

"Are you having fun?" A voice spoke into my ear.

I knew who it was immediately.

I spun around to face him but the act was taken as an attempted hug. Damien had me in a tight-locked hug. His hands drifting up and dangerously down my back. I lightly hugged him back. Scared of attempting to free myself too early.

"I missed you."

I didn't answer straight away. Hoping a mumbled 'me too' would suffice.

He let go and pulled me to a secluded and dimly lit corner of the room. Where we could still see the party's action, though where the guests would need to strain to see us.

"You just look simply stunning."

He pushed me to the wall and kissed my neck hard. I involuntarily cringed away slightly. Damien smiled in my neck, mistaking the act for a shiver in pleasure and proceeded to kiss up and down my neck. He dragged his mouth up my jaw and kissed me hard on my lips. I could taste the alcohol. As much as it hurt to be kissing anyone but Alex, I had to make it work. I had to make it look real. He forced my lips to move against his and I gave in. Locking my tongue with his in a heated battle for power.

"I love you. So much." He said in between kisses. "When this party's over and we're finally alone, we'll finish this off."

He pulled away to drag his  hands down the sides of my hips, smiling as he walked away.

Oh fuck no, am I gonna be sleeping with him.

I frantically looked around the room, hoping to find Matthew. He met my eyes easily across the room with a wink and a nod towards the exit.

I swallowed and followed him. 



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