Chapter 17: Part 2

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Chapter 17: Part 2

     I quietly opened the window, peering into the darkness until I saw Damien's eyes meeting my own. He gestured with his hand, for me to climb out. I took one last look at the locked door and hesitantly climbed out the window. I tightly held the windowsill and my let my legs drop; dangerously danglling up against the rough brick wall.

     "Jump. I've got you!" I heard Damien quietly shout up at me.

     I didn't respond.

     "Violet! Hurry. Don't you trust me?"

     That was the point. I didn't trust him. He's a nice person and I consider him a friend. But did I trust my life with him? No.


     My hands started slipping slightly. I have no choice at this point. I'd fall and he'd either catch me, or he wouldn't. I closed my eyes and released my palms. My mouth opened, preparing to let out a scream, when I suddenly landed on a firm body. I opened my eyes and saw Damien looking down at me from my bridal-style position in his arms.

     "Told you I'd catch you." He winked.

     I cleared my throat and maneuvered my way out of his arms and steadily on the floor. He gaze dropped to my chest and a wide smile made its way on his face, as he turned the opposite way. Heat instantly rose to my cheeks. Luck on my side, he probably couldn't see my flushed face through the darkness of the night. I tried folding my arms across my chest; attempting to cover myself up. He took off his black hooded jumper and handed it to me. I cocked an eyebrow and quickly pulled the thick jumper on. He shrugged his shoulders and smirked slightly, as if to say 'I'd obviously peek at the half naked girl trying to cover herself up next to me'.

     He grabbed my hand and gestured with his head to the black car, parked a little down the street. I spared a last glance up at the wide open window before walking away with Damien. "...bitchiest thing I've ever done," I muttered to myself.

     "Where to?" he asked, when we both sat down in the car and closed the doors.

     "I-I don't care. Anywhere...far from here."

     I leaned against the window and settle myself into a comfortable position on the dark fabric seats; blinking hardly to try to stop sleep from invading me. "Sleep," he commanded.

     I shook my head and sighed.

     He chuckled softly. "Don't worry. I've got you."

     Against my better instincts, I closed my eyes and let myself fall soundly asleep in the car.

     A yawn escaped me the next morning, as I rolled onto my stomach and stretched my arms up. My hands grazed something warm. I immediately opened my eyes at the shock and screamed; quickly crawling off the bed. My left arm grazed the edge of the dark wooden bedside table, and I winced at the pain before embarrassingly falling on the floor.

     "What the hell are you doing?" I demanded, slowly standing up.

     "You're bleeding," he said, pointing to my arm.

     I pulled the over-sized hoody's sleeve back down and folded my arms; ignoring the sudden wet feeling of blood. "Don't change the subject."

     He rubbed the back of his neck. "You fell asleep in the car..."

     "So you take me to you house...put me in your bed....and sleep with me in the same bed?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

     "Where was I meant to sleep then?"

     "Don't you have another bed?" He shook his head. "Oh."

     What was I suppose to say to that? I turned to eye the large black-silk sheeted bed. That he should have slept on the floor instead of the other side of his queen-sized bed.

     He laughed softly and gestured to my arm with his head. "You need to get that cleaned up." He paused and glanced at the bedroom door. "I'll be right back," he said, before quickly walking out the room.

     I sighed and walked back towards the bed; sitting down on the edge. I glanced around the plain black bedroom. The built-in closets took up most of the wall space, to which most boys would probably have covered with half naked women. But even so, Damien doesn't seem the type. Sure, he's a nice guy. But who is he? I stood up, looking at one of the closet doors, having a sudden urge to explore them. The sudden door opening, caused me to refrain from my thoughts. I sat back down, suddenly ashamed of my impulse to snoop around his things.

     Damien stepped back into the room, empty handed. "I have no idea where I put the medical supplies."

     "It'll be fine. I'll just run it under a tap or something."

     "You don't want to get it infected." He frowned. "If you want to take a shower, the bathroom's down the hall. I'll be back in about twenty minutes."

    I refrained from rolling my eyes at him and he reaction to a small cut on my arm. I nodded and he took that as a signal to leave. I began shrugging off the over sized hoody whilst walking out the room, when I heard a loud vibrating sound. I knitted my eyebrows together and retreated back into the room. It was coming from inside the closet. I felt around my jean pockets and noticed that my phone was missing. Was that my phone?

     I pushed all thoughts aside and pulled open both doors, just as the vibrating stopped. I gasped and stared opened-mouthed at what lay inside. My reactions took hold and a loud shrill scream burst out from my lungs. My mouth trembled and my tears freely fell as I stared at myself. Dozens of pictures of myself. From different angles and sizes. What caught my attention however, was not the largest image of me taken several months ago; waiting outside the library for Kathy. No, what caught my attention was the image of me asleep; I couldn't be any older than 14, dressed in a grey pajama set. My body lay asleep on my side; wet ripples of curly red floating on my pillow and my mouth slightly ajar. The camera shot was taken from directly above me. Close enough to kiss? A violent shiver ran down my spine. He's been sneaking into my house for years...How could I have not known?

     The phone vibrated again. I glanced down at the half hidden phone lying under a larger sea of pictures. I tentatively pulled the phone out from beneath the images and clicked 'Accept'.

     "Violet? Where the hell are you?! Do you have any idea what time it is? Do you know how many times we've called you?! We're all freaking out right now," Rose half yelled. "Now isn't a good time to disappear on us!" She paused, to calm herself slightly. "Today's your last day. He's going to do everything in his power to take you. You shouldn't have left."

     "Who?" I said shakily.

     "Who else? Hades!" She paused once again, after hearing silence from my end. "J-Jayden didn't tell you?"

     "No," I breathed out.

     "Where are you?" She said quickly. "I'm coming to get you before he c-"

     I tuned her out the second I heard the door shut. I swallowed and turned around to see a smiling Damien.

     "Too late," I choked out, half to myself.

     The room spun and clouds of grey took hold of my vision. I felt my knees buckle, but I was too numb to be sure. I heard my name being called, I don't know if it was Rose or whether it was Damien...or whether it was just a figment of my imagination.

All I knew was that I'd walked straight into the lion's den. The story between Persephone and Hades is now playing out and I have a feeling that it won't end well.


A/N: The moment you guys were waiting for...! Yes, there was a huuuge build-up. But I think it was all pretty necessary (; I won't be posting chapter 18 for a while :/ Exam season is here...So, hope this chapter'll keep you waiting untill the next! ;D Team Alex? Team Jayden? Or Team Damien? (to each his own). Let me know what you think! (:


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