Chapter 17: Part 1

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Chapter 17: Part 1

     I opened the door to a surprised Jayden. Whilst looming in aching silence, I felt a weird sensation. It felt like a less heightened version of how I feel in the park; surround by nature. I could...sense a product of earth approaching towards me. I felt it in the air and I could smell it. Flowers. I looked down to see him holding some store-bought yellow and white daisies.

     He smiled sheepishly at me. "Sorry they're not roses or anything..."

     I laughed and enveloped him in a hug; wary not to crush the flowers. "They're perfect. Thank you," I murmured against his shoulder.

     I invited him in and walked into the kitchen with the flowers; filling up a vase with tap water. "Don't assume you can hide it."

      "Hide what?" I said uncertainly, keeping my back to him.

     "You're upset," he stated.

     I sighed and turned to look at him. "Well, tomorrow at the strike of midnight I'm gone... and stuck with a guy I don't even like, as a soul mate." I turned to look at the floor, folding my arms. "I think I have a reason to be a little upset," I said bitterly.

     He didn't say anything. My eyes teared and I quickly enveloped him in a hard hug; not daring to look at his face, when I did so. He hugged be back, just as hard. Like the other could just be pulled away, at any second.

     "I didn't mean to bring that up." I whispered. "Let's just take advantage of the remaining time we have left..." I could feel him smile against my back.

     "Just like old times. Before you found out and everything got complicated."

     I frowned. I didn't want it to be like old times. I wanted to be with my boyfriend...


     I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah. That sounds good."

     He pulled away with a cheeky grin and ran to the living room. "I call Mario!" he said over his shoulder.

     I gaped and ran after him. "No! He's mine!"

     The rest of the day went by fast. We played a few  games on the PlayStation; to which I mostly won. Having an older brother always has its benefits when it comes to gaming. Jay even tried to teach me to play some war game called 'Call Of Duty'; that game I wasn't quite good at. He continuously teased me about my lack of control and kills throughout the rest of the night. I can't help that I'm not a violent person! We ended up ordering an extra cheese and pepperoni pizza later that night as we sat against the couches, attempting to watch 'A Cinderella Story'.

     "What an arsehole!" I burst out randomly.

     "What now?" Jayden sighed, getting tired by my constant interruptions.

     I smiled meekly at him. "He's acting like a complete prick! Popularity and money aren't everything in life," I said rolling my eyes.

     We both sat in silence. I was trying my best, not to burst out sarcastic comments about the movie. At the point where both lead characters kiss in the rain, I quickly turned the TV off.

     "That is so cliché!" I said, pointing accusatory at the television set. "I mean the 'class outcast' and the 'school jock' ending up together and living happily ever after?" I air-quoted. "Who actually comes up with this crap?"

     "It wasn't that bad of a movie. Aren't girls suppose to like all this bubbly rom-com stuff?"

     I turned to face him and raised an eyebrow. "If you weren't my boyfriend, you'd have me convinced you're batting for the other team."

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