Chapter Four

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 The music from the backyard was getting louder and louder the closer we got. Everyone was sitting around talking and others were standing around, either slightly moving to the music, or leaning against the house.

"I want you to meet some people" Darcy says over the music, dragging me over to the people who were sitting.

"Everyone this is Marzia! Marzia this is Jamie, Lillian, Ethan, Aiden, Lydia and Isaac who you met this morning. She introduces me to everyone. I smile to them as they all say hello.

"Here have a seat" Isaac says grabbing a spare seat from behind him. Darcy lets go of my arm, nudging me towards him. I thank him before sitting beside him.

"Drink?" He asks.

"Oh no thanks. Designated driver" I laugh softly. He nods his head taking a sip of some sort of alcoholic drink.

"So, tell me about yourself" He says staring into my eyes. A feeling rushes through me as though he could read my thoughts.

"Well I um... I'm studying to be teacher" I say fiddling with my fingers.

"That's pretty cool. High school or primary school?" He questions.

"High school. English actually"

"English teacher huh? That's a good profession. I would have loved it if you were my English teacher" Isaac whispers leaning in. My face begins to heat the closer he came to me. I could smell the alcohol in his breath causing me to lean back slightly.

"I'll be back I'm just going to get another drink" He informs before getting up and leaving me by myself. I take a deep breath of clean air needing it after what I just endured. My eyes flick around, staring at all the different faces. There were quite a lot of younger kids here probably around sixteen. I'm surprised the college students even associate with the younger students. I turn my head to the side, looking at an open gate which looked to lead out to the front. The longer my eyes lingered on the exit, the more I had the urge to leave. Without realizing at first, my body rises from my seat, dragging me towards the exit. The closer I got, the less people there were to pass by. The music wasn't as loud and slowly, the feeling of loneliness pressed up on me. I look back to see everyone carrying on with their conversations, not even noticing I was gone. As I turn the corner, I squint my eyes trying to see where I was going. My eyes look down to see a cemented path leading straight ahead. My heart suddenly drops as my body collides with something, no wait, someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry" I say looking up to them, but I couldn't really see their face.

"It's okay" They simply say. As my eyes begin to adjust to the darkness, I soon recognize the person.

"Derek?" I question.

"Yeah...?" He replies slightly confused.

"Oh, I'm Marzia. We met last night" I state.

"Darcy's new roommate?" He asks.

"Yeah" I smile.

"Hm... You're rather cute" He smirks staring at me.

"I uh, thanks?" My voice cracks.

"Do you maybe want to get out of here?" He questions.

"What?" My heart begins to pound.

"This gathering isn't really going anywhere. Come with me instead" His voice low and husky. He steps towards me, closing the gap between us. I begin to feel nervous and somewhat vulnerable. There was something about him that didn't feel right. But the fact that he's friends with Darcy can surely give off the impression he is friendly? A shiver runs through my body as he almost stumbles on top of me.

"Woah sorry dude" A voice says from behind him. That voice.

"Oh it's you Derek I uh sorry I'll just-"

"Move it Stiles" Derek growls to him. I look past his shoulder to see Stiles pushing past Scott to hide behind him.

"Scott?" I say confused as to why he was here.

"Marzia?" Scott's eyes widen.

"Marzia?" Stiles mutters questionably.

"What are you two doing here?" I ask slipping past Derek.

"I should be asking you that" Scott replies.

"I'm in college, you're in high school. I'm still on break, you're not. I was invited, you weren't"

"Um, actually we were invited" Stiles speaks up.

"By who?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Lydia. She's in our grade. She has a thing with one of the twins here, Aiden." Scott answers. Lydia? The red head? She's only sixteen? Seriously?!

"What are you doing with Derek?" He suddenly questions staring at us.

"Just talking? Why?" I mutter.

"Stay away from her Derek" Scott growls at Derek.

"Why should I?" Derek fold his arms. The tension was just ringing out of the two.

"Because I told you to" Scott glares at him.

"Watch yourself Scott. We all know who would win here" Derek states.

"Will the two of you knock it off? Scott, I'm allowed to be friends with whoever I want okay? Derek, don't talk to him like that. And Stiles... Stop being so adorable" I point each and every one of them. Stiles stood there unsure on what to say or do.

"Let's go. We don't need to be here" Scott mutters looking back and forth between me and Derek. The two of them walk off leaving Derek and I alone again. I look up to Derek before he too, walked off into the darkness. I sigh softly to myself before wandering back to everyone. We only stayed for another hour and a half as Darcy became upset over something. Isaac kept asking me where I had gone and that the two of us should hang out more because apparently I'm fun? 

When we got back to our dorm rooms, I couldn't stop thinking about Derek. He wanted me to leave the gathering with him and just go anywhere. Like, I just met the man and he still had the guts to ask me to leave with him. To think he's only five dorms up from me. His sunken cheeks covered in small hairs which also covered majority of the bottom half of his face. His hazel, round eyes. But what was Scott and him bickering about? He kept telling Derek to stay away from me, but why?

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