Chapter Eleven

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"Derek?" I call out as I enter his home. The room was quiet and it honestly felt like no one was there. As I close the door behind me, I walk down the two steps leading into the room, looking around confused. I'm pretty sure Darcy said he wanted to meet me at his at five on Wednesday. It is Wednesday right? It is five right? I check my phone to notice I was ten minutes late but all the more reason why Derek should be here waiting for me. I pull at the hem of my green skirt before fixing up the off the shoulder black shirt I was wearing tucked under my skirt.

"Ah!" I scream as his hands touch my hips scaring me half to death. I turn around to see him smiling, softly chuckling. His hands still on my hips, slowly moving up to my waist.

"How could you!" I yell hitting his arm.

"That was really mean I wa-" I go to rant but he cuts me off by pulling me into him and kissing me softly. I pull away hearing his soft breathing.

"What do you think you're doing?" I smile biting my lip.

"Mm, kissing you" He mutters kissing me again. I pull away once more staring into his eyes.

"I don't think so" I sing wriggling out of his grip. I walk over towards his desk which was close to being opposite to his bed. I look over my shoulder to see him watching me with every step I take. I turn around, leaning against the desk using the 'come here' motion. He walks towards me as I bite down on my tongue trying not to laugh. Once he reaches me, he places his hand on my face ready to kiss me. I duck down ready to run off but he grabs my waist, pulling me back as I struggle to get free.

"No!!" I laugh loudly trying to get away. With my back against his chest, he holds my arms tightly against my chest as he attacks the side of my face with his mouth.

"Stop" I giggle as he nibbles at my ear. As I struggle to get free, I'm finally able to turn around, so I was now facing him. He stares at me until my hands land on his chest before sliding down his body. My knees bend as I squat down, still having my hands run down his body. My hands fumble with his belt, undoing it with ease. I could feel his eyes burn into me as I undo his button and zipper. His hand runs through my hair, tangling his fingers throughout it. I pull his pants down seeing his bulge under his black trunks. My hand cups him, lightly rubbing him through his material. His arms suddenly grab me, pulling me up and onto the desk causing my black slip on shoes to fall. He lightly nudges me down as I lie there with him hovering over my body. I then sit up, tugging at his shirt.

"I want it off now" I beg wrapping my legs around his torso as I continued to pull at his shirt. He smirks at me before finally taking his shirt off. I look down to see his pants at his ankles which turns me on even more. I lean back onto my elbows, staring at the man in front of me. I bite my bottom lip before feeling his hands slide up under my skirt, rubbing my thighs. I shake my head sitting back up, clinging myself to him. He lifts me up, taking me to the bed and leaving his shirt and pants back at the desk. I pull my shirt out from under my skirt before pulling it over my head. My chest rises and falls as Derek's eyes wonder over my chest. I fiddle with the zipper behind my skirt trying to get it undone. I wriggle out of them throwing them to floor. I look into Derek's eyes before kissing him deeply. His tongue rubs against mine, sending shivers down my spine. He was like an obsession I had. I needed him always touching me. I move back as he begins to gently lean on top of me, causing me to lie down. His right arm grabs my right leg, making it wrap around his torso. Our deep breathing syncing as I feel his hand rub around my butt, and up my thigh. My hands roam his shoulders, neck and hair pulling lightly at the roots. His body slowly rocks, grinding his member against me. I could feel him getting harder by the second giving me pleasure. His lips leave mine as he stops his grinding. I arch my back as he unclips my bra and slides the straps off of my shoulder. He throws my bra off somewhere, ducking his head down and kissing my right breast, leaving small spots of saliva. I gasp softly as his mouth lands on my nipple, lightly running his tongue over it. He looks up at me taking in the expressions I printed onto my face. He finally runs his mouth down my body before not taking any time in taking my panties off. He kneels on the bed, watching as they run down my legs until finally they were off. I bite my lip as he places on my ache.

"You're already so wet" He says with some disappointment to his voice. He slowly rubs his fingers up and down taking in every detail. He suddenly crawls over me, fiddling with something. He kneels back putting a small packet in his mouth before ripping it open. I smile letting out a small giggle before watching him take out a condom. I sit up hooking my hands onto his trunks. His member wanting to break free from those tight trunks. I pull his trunks down, watching as his member came into view. His knees lift the further his trunks went until finally he kicks them off and onto the ground. He goes to put the condom on but I stop him, breathing onto his tip. I could tell he was watching me until finally I slide him slowly into my mouth. He blows air out his nose letting out a soft moan. My tongue swirls around his length until I suck pulling back. I grab the condom off of him, putting it on him myself. I lean back down onto the bed watching him place himself in front of me. He looks at me as I nod wanting him to be inside of me already. It's been so long since I've had this. Since I've had sex.

He presses into me, pushing himself until he was all the way in. My eyes flutter as I breathe out in pleasure. He stops there, spreading my legs out as far they could go. He puts his arms either side of my head before finally he starts moving in and out of me. My hands land on his neck and back, moving my fingers back and forth, digging into his skin every time he pumped into me. Moans escaped my mouth and heavy, pleasurable breathing came from Derek. A small moan came from him every once and a while but most of the moaning came from me. I open my eyes to see Derek's eyebrows furrowed in and his eyes closed, tightening every now and then. His mouth kept moving from being opened wide to him biting his bottom lip. His eyes open looking down at me. He whispers fuck under his breath as his eyes dart around my face. As I continued to stare at his face, taking in his sunken cheeks, jaw and eyes, I also think about the tight shirts he wears defining his muscly body. My eyes move around face again feeling satisfaction come to me.

Multiple moans escape my mouth as I hit my orgasm. I even slipped his name in there. The muscles within me tighten which brings pleasure to Derek. My body twitches as Derek moves faster and faster until finally he hits orgasm.

"Ah, Mm..." He moans louder than me having his brows furrow in even further before biting his lip. He begins to slow down looking down then up to me. His and I's heavy breathing, mixing into one. He pulls out, kneeling back taking the used condom off. He gets up going over to his bin allowing me to stare at his butt. I look at his back noticing the marks I put on him weren't there. He turns back to me, wiping his forehead with his arm. He picks up his trunks, pulling them up and over member. He picks up my bra and underwear handing them to me.

"Am I able to take a shower?" I ask him. He nods walking off but then returning with a towel. I thank him as he shows me where is bathroom was. It's small yet cute.

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