Chapter Twenty-One

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Derek's POV*

As soon as I get to the hospital, I begin to think the worse. I go up to the desk asking for Marzia McCall. Once informed, I rush to the elevator, pressing for the second button over and over again. My patience was slowly running out. I finally reach the second floor rushing to find the room she was in. My eyes land on Scott who was sitting on the floor, leaning against the door that lead into the room she was in. He looks up over at me, quickly standing to his feet.

"You prick!" He shouts ready to punch me but I block him.

"You know I didn't have a choice"

"I told you to stay away from her" He looks as though he was about to cry.

"Why do you care so much anyway?" I ask.

"Because you bit my fucking sister!" He yells stating the obvious.

"You're sister?" I raise my eyebrows. Of course he's her brother! God I'm so fucking stupid. How thick can I get?

"Yes my sister! I don't want her to have to go through everything I did... She doesn't deserve the pain" He brings his lips into his mouth, biting down hard.

"Listen Scott... I didn't want to bite her. Sure when I first met her I did because I needed people in my pack. But when Darcy told me not to, I had no choice but to get to know her as a human. And from that day on I was glad I didn't bite her. I tried hard to keep her safe and to make sure she didn't know about our kind. But I did the opposite of that. Driving the alphas to her because I had suddenly found myself falling for her." I explain to him trying to keep myself as the heartless person he know's me as. Though right now, I guess I was surprising him and myself.

"She may not feel the same way back. And you probably hate me just as much as she. But no matter what, I'm not going to stop protecting her. I didn't think I would fall in love again after what happened with Kate... But I guess I was wrong"

"You're in love with her?" He asks with a mixture of emotions, like it was wrong for me to even look at her.

"I keep telling myself I'm not but I can't keep denying it." I state. He remains silent before stepping aside.

"Go inside" He mumbles staring at me. I nod walking towards the door, slowly opening it. The sound of the machine beeping was the only sound in the room. I close the door behind me before wondering over to a chair beside her bed. I take a seat, sighing softly. I look up at her face, shaded a sickly white. I look down at her wrist to see a bandage over the bite I gave her, blood printed on the material.

"I'm not use to this whole feelings thing..." I start not exactly sure what to say.

"I could be wrong to be honest... I may think I like you but it's just me missing touching you. Holding your hand..." I mutter sliding my hand under hers.

"This is all my fault. Scott's right, you don't deserve this... I should of left you alone when he told me to. But you're here because of me and I hate myself because of it. Please don't ignore me when you leave this place. I need to know if you're okay..." I say even though she couldn't hear me.

"It scares me at the fact that I turned you into one of us even though you probably didn't want anything to do with our kind. Or even worse, it might kill you... I just pray you're that one percent that are immune to the bite, just like banshees..." I whisper, pulling away the bit of material covering the bite. My heart drops as the bite was gone, indicating she was one of us.

"I'm so sorry" I bite my bottom lip, letting go of her hand and leaving the room. I ignore Scott, exiting the hospital and driving back to mine.

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