Chapter Ten

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The next day Darcy kept asking me where I had gone the previous day. But like Derek had asked me, I didn't tell her. By the time I got back from class, Darcy had only just left for hers. Leaving me in our dorm for a good two hours. As I open the door I let out a scream to see someone standing there, in the darkness of the room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I growl at Derek who looks at me confused as to why I was so shocked he was here.

"Darcy let me in. Your dorm is really messy" He comments as I walk in, looking to see all the mess Darcy had left. I groan as I open up the curtains allowing light into the room. I begin picking up some of Darcy's mess as Derek takes a seat on my desk.

"Darcy told me there is a party on this weekend-"

"What's with you guys and parties?" I cut him off.

"I usually don't go but there's a reason for me to go to this one." He states. I shake my head sighing at the ridiculous excuse he came up with.

"Anyway, I know if Darcy's going to be there, you'll be there right?"

"Yeah?" I reply scooping up Darcy's wrappers and putting them in the bin.

"But Darcy just told me she's going with her ex, James" He explains causing me to stop and look at him.

"So basically I wanted to know if you'd come with me?" Derek asks not showing much emotion.

"Well... I guess if Darcy is going with James, I suppose the two of us could go together?" I shrug sitting on Darcy's unmade bed.

"What's wrong?" He asks staring at me.


"There's something wrong, I know there is." He says. I stand to me feet, darting my eyes away from his.

"Nothing is wrong" I fold my arms looking out the window.

"You're lying" He comments standing to his feet.

"No I'm not"

"Yes you are" His voice gets lower the closer he gets to me. His hand grabs my chin, turning my head towards his. I look up to his dark, hazel eyes feeling as if he could read my mind.

"So what if something is bothering me? Why do you care?" I ask not removing my eyes from his.

"Because I want to know" His voice low and rough.

"It's about yesterday isn't it?" He adds on searching my face for answers.

"....No...." I whisper.

"Your heart is beating like crazy. I know you're lying" Derek mutters as I look at him confused.

"How did you.... So what if it has something to do with yesterday?" I question him.

"Didn't you like the way I was touching you?" He mumbles, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

"No I-"

"Didn't you like the way my body moved against yours?"

"No I just-"

"Or was it the way my mouth teased you and how my tongue tasted against yours?" He cuts me off again. His lips centimeters from mine, feeling his breath hit my face.

"No" I push him away but not far enough.

"I don't like the way you use me like this. We don't talk, we don't socialize and yet every chance you get, you use me for hook ups. What am I to you?" I ask him annoyed and upset.

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