Chapter Three

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My eyes wander around the Mexican themed diner as Darcy continues to run her mouth. She may be nice and all, but she never shuts up. I felt a slight urge to ask her about the guy who came into our room the first night I was here. But I didn't want to seem weird.

"So do you want to come?" She asks with a mouth full of food in her mouth.

"Hm?" I hum unsure of what she said.

"Do you want to come with me and a few friends to a small gathering tonight?" She repeats herself before taking a sip of her drink.

"Oh I um... I suppose?" I shrug looking down to my half eaten burrito.

"Great!" She squeals causing me to jump.

"Who's going?" I question.

"Let me think.... Isaac being the boy you met this morning, some people from this high school not far from here and some people from this college. This would be so much easier if you knew more people" She sighs at the end. Hm, thanks...

"Oh also Derek" She adds on.

"Derek?" I raise an eyebrow.

"yeah" She sips her drink. Derek.... The more I think about that name the more it frustrates me.

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"Okay, red or black?" Darcy questions going back and forth with two small dresses. They looked almost exactly the same the only difference being the colour.

"Red, it'll bring out your eyes more" I say gesturing to her dark eye make up.

"You are so right" She smiles looking in the mirror. She quickly slips on her dress adjusting it to her preferred look. As she makes faces in the mirror, her hands move to her boobs, pushing them up and out

"Ready?" She asks turning to me but stops when she notices what I am wearing.

"Are you seriously wearing that...?" She gulps looking at me up and down. My black jeans, my plain white shirt and my sneakers.

"Yeah?" My fingers begin to entwine with one another.

"Mm, no you're not. You can borrow something of mine" She states.

"Oh no Darcy it's fine"

"Marzia, you are wearing something of mine and that's final" Darcy says going through her clothes.

"Here" She says passing me a black dress. She shoves it in my face until finally I take it. She wanders back into the bathroom fixing up her make up. I bite my bottom lip still a little unsure.

"Fuck it" I whisper to myself pulling my shirt over my head and sliding my pants off along with my sneakers. I slip on the tight dress that looked somewhat similar to the one Darcy was currently wearing. The dress had two thick straps and the material of the dress was kind of silky yet it was tight fitting. I pull it up trying hard to cover most of my boobs. I then grab the hem of the shirt pulling it down as I felt as if it was too high. I groan softly seeing that I was back to having half of my boobs pop out.

"Oh it looks great on you!" She squeals.

"I think my boobs are a bit too big for this" I complain.

"Oh honey, that just makes the dress ten times sexier on you." She winks pulling at the dress to make it look nicer.

"See, look at you now" She smiles pushing me in front of the mirror. She stands behind me running her fingers through my hair.

"You have shoes to go with this right?" She questions.

"I have black slip ons?" I look at her.

"That will do. Let's go!" She giggles loudly grabbing her purse.

"Are we able to take your car? I can tell you where to go, I just want to be able to drink." Darcy asks stopping at the front door.

"Yeah that should be fine" I mutter grabbing my keys, phone and wallet.

"You sound disappointed... Did you want to drink?"

"Huh? oh no, I don't drink" I simply reply.

"Great! Let's go" She repeats herself from earlier desperate to leave. The two of us race down the stairs and to my car.

"It's cute" She comments getting into the passenger side.

"Thanks" I smile. She starts typing on her phone before turning up the volume.

"I've put the address into maps so this will make it easier for you" Darcy adds on as I turn the car on. Half of me didn't want to go but the other half of me did. I begin driving towards the house blocking out everything Darcy was saying to me. The only time she would shut up was when the GPS was directing me on where to go. The sun was almost gone and the darkness was creeping up on the world. A quick shiver runs through my body as I take notice of how the darkness makes the biggest difference in the way things appear. I look around as we turn into a quiet street to see many cars parked throughout it.

"There's a spot" Darcy points towards a space behind a white commodore. I slowly park my car not wanting to hit the gutter. I turn my car off sitting in the silence I had longed for ever since we had gotten into the car.

"You coming?" Darcy asks half way out of the car.

"Yeah" I sigh joining her into the warm air of the outside world. I lock my car before placing my wallet and keys into her purse. She grabs a hold of my arm pulling me along with her. The house was large and modern with glowing lights from the inside. We reach the front door with Darcy ringing at the doorbell. Moments later a young man opens the door allowing us in.

"Darcy you made it" He grins hugging her tight.

"I sure did, this is Marzia by the way. Marzia, this is Boyd" She introduces me to him.

"Hi" I smile but suddenly gets pulled into a hug.

"Hi, nice to meet you" He grins pulling away.

"Everyone is in the back" He informs as Darcy pulls me along with her.

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