Chapter Thirty-Five

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I missed going out on walks of an afternoon. I knew these parts of the woods better than most. After school I would put my things in my room and go for a walk around, trying to remember every detail. I would also carve my names into some of the trees. As such, my hands run over my engraved name into the wood. I feel as if I belong out with nature, now even more so as I don't need to worry about my silly old asthma. I take a seat on an old slowly rotting log which I would go to every afternoon as I sat listening to silence. I felt as though I had been out here for ages, yet it felt so nice. My ears begin to feel strange as I hear crunching of leaves behind me. I go to stand but suddenly duck as an arrow comes flying past me and into a tree behind me. As I stay there kneeling, I look around feeling myself turn due to being threatened. Another arrow flies close to shoulder as I fall to the ground rolling through the leaves and dirt. I stand quickly growling loudly. I could hear footsteps quietly stepping onto leaves giving me an advantage to where the hunter was. I listen as I hear an arrow being pulled back and quickly let go. As the arrow comes towards me stagger to the side just missing its shot as I run toward where the shot came from. As I reach the tree I quick jump back as a woman attacks me with a machete.

"What the fuck!?" I yell at the over exaggeration of her choice of weapon. I grab the arm she uses to attack me with, using it to forcefully push her to the ground. Her feet kick me off her causing me to surprisingly go pretty far back onto the ground. I push up on my hands and land on my feet watching her reach for another around. I growl loudly at her having my claws ready to rip at her skin. I hear footsteps come from behind me distracting me from the unknown woman. An arrow hits my shoulder causing me to cry out in pain. I back into a tree placing my hand onto the arrow. Ugh fuck!

"Kate what do you think you're doing!?" A man yells at the woman. Kate?... KATE!?

"Doing my job" She shouts grabbing a knife from her vest.

"No, you're going against the code!" The man yells.

"They're all the same! Let go of me Chris!" She shouts. My eyes squeeze shut as I pull the arrow out of my shoulder.

"There is no proof she has harmed a human before! Don't do this Kate" The man called Chris pushes Kate back. He looks back at me, changing his expression. Before he or Kate could say anything I sprint off towards my house. I don't know how fast I was running but it was quick enough for them to be unable to follow me. I get to my house feeling suddenly safe yet I was still in my wolf form. I reach the back door and notice Isaac was finished his job. I look down at my shirt to see a hole as visible as anything. But my wound was closed up. I look at my reflection in a window which was covered by a curtain on the other side. I was still in my wolf form... How the fuck do I turn back? Oh yeah!

"The sun, the moon, the truth... The sun, the moon, the truth..." I whisper. I look back at my reflection yet I was still in my wolf form. What the heck why isn't it working!? I begin to think of Derek which always calms me down but once again I look at my reflection and I was still a werewolf. Why isn't anything working!? I think my mental state is still threatened and scared. And to the fact Derek had a relation to Kate, me thinking of him isn't helping me turn back to normal. I didn't want Derek to see me... Maybe I could sneak into my room until I was able to calm down...? I open the door quietly flinching at the sound the creaking door was making. Everything was exceedingly louder which wasn't a good advantage.

"Marzia? Is that you?" A voice calls for me causing me to freeze. I run to the stairs but Derek steps out of the lounge room. I cover my face totally not looking obvious.

"Marzia are you okay?" He asks me.

"Yep" I say going up the stairs.

"Wait! Your hands?" He grabs my wrist looking at my hand.

"You've changed..." he whispers looking up to my face. His hand grabs my chin turning my head towards him.

"Why are you in this form? Marzia what happened while you were out there?" He asks me.

"Nothing!" I try to pull away from him.

"Marzia, what happened? Just tell me!" His voice begins to get louder. I know he's just worried about me but my emotions are everywhere at the moment. Can't he leave me alone for once?

"I said it's nothing!" I shout back feeling the threatened feeling to come back stronger.

"Woah what's going on here?" Scott and Isaac come running in.

"He won't leave me alone!" I growl pulling away from him growling softly to myself.

"Ugh, Derek, why is my sister in her werewolf form?" Scott asks looking over to Derek confused and annoyed.

"I don't know; she won't tell me!" He defends himself.

"Ugh shut up, shut up! Shut up!!" I scream pulling my hair before finding myself with my hand around Scott's neck.

"Marzia!" Derek shouts but stops himself. I stare at Scott who didn't look frightened just mostly concerned. I could tell Scott wanted Derek to stand down mostly for both of our benefits.

"Marzia I need you to relax" Scott says as his eyes wonder my face. His looks down before looking back up to me.

"What happened to your shirt?" He questions.

"Ugh! Stop talking!" I screech; my hand squeezing his neck tighter. His eyes flash a yellow colour but he remains calm.

"Marzia, what happened to you out there?" Derek's voice spooks me causing me to let go of Scott elbowing Derek in the gut. I back into the front door growling softly.

"Get away from me! I don't want to hurt you! I don't know how to turn back! It's all because of those fucking hunters!" I scream at them as my nails dig into the wooden door.

"Hunters?" Isaac whispers.

"She was cornered by hunters" Scott says looking at Derek as though it was his fault.

"Were you shot?" Derek looks at me worried.

"Yes! Fucking Kate shot me! What the fuck?!" I yell angrily.

"Kate?" Both Derek and Scott say. Scott more so anxious and Derek more so furious.

"Was it with a bullet?" Derek asks changing his emotions back to worried as he steps towards me.

"No an arrow" I gulp.

"Ugh this is all my fault I knew I shouldn't off let you go out on your own!" Derek angrily states as Isaac comes up to me trying to calm me down.

"You're safe now Marzia" He softly says as I look up at him through the shade of red that covers my vision.

"There was two of them..." I whisper as I begin to feel myself change back.

"Who else was there?" Derek asks steaming furiously.

"I uh... I think he said his name was Chris?" I shake my head unsure.

"Oh no" Scott whispers.

"I'm going to fucking kill them!" Derek yells bringing his claws out.

"No, he helped me. He stopped Kate. If it wasn't for him, who knows what could have happened to me." I explain.

"He did?" Isaac speaks up confused.

"He said something about a code? I... I can't remember" I place my hand on my head.

"I'll be back" Scott mutters leaving the house.

"Me too..." Derek mumbles also leaving. I look to Isaac expecting him to leave me also but he doesn't.

"They aren't going to do anything stupid are they?" I ask Isaac scared of what they might do.

"There's no guarantee..." He quietly says.

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