Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Foods here" My mum yells from the front door as the four of us sit in the lounge room, talking about random things. I jump from the couch helping her with the hot food.

"Into the dining room people" My mum shouts out as I carry the food out onto the table. Isaac, Derek and I sit on one side of the table and Scott and my mum on the other side. One person missing... My dad...

"We may as well start eating" My mum shrugs as I nod. I take the plastic containers out of the bag and begin to open them up, allowing the steam to rise from the food. As soon as my fork hit my food, the front door opens. Footsteps come towards the dining area where at last I see my father come into view.

"Sorry I'm late everyone" He apologizes.

"No problem" My mum mutters. She's still trying to get use to him being around. I've known for a very long time she's wished he'd come back... I don't though.

"How is everyone?" He asks taking a seat beside my mum making it so he was opposite me. Great!

"I'm fine, not looking forward to the big game next Friday" Scott speaks up. My father made a split second of an eye contact with me but turned his attention down to the food. 

"That's right, Scott has a lacrosse game next Friday. You should go" My mum says looking at my father trying to hint for him to be there no matter what.

"Oh? Yeah of course I'll go. I haven't been to a lacrosse game in years" He smiles at Scott but I could see past his fakeness. He suddenly looks up to me then over to Derek.

"Who's this young man?" He asks. I remain silent only staring at the man in front of me. Silence stays around us for another two seconds before Derek speaks up.

"I'm Derek Hale, Marzia's boyfriend. Nice to meet you Mr. McCall" He extends his hand for my father as he is hesitant to take it but shakes it anyway.

"I wasn't aware Marzia was in a relationship" My father states.

"There's a lot of things you aren't aware about" I mutter loud enough for everyone to hear before taking a sip of my wine. My dad looks at me trying to read my face but he fails to succeed. I said to myself earlier today I was going to try and make this work but I just can't!

"So Marzia, how has life been treating you?" He questions.

"Great actually!" I grin wide.

"Until you showed up" I drop my smile and stare blankly at him.

"Marzia" My mums stern voice speaks up.

"No Melissa it's fine. When were you going to mention your new partner to me?" He raises an eyebrow.

"You don't have the right to know thing about my personal life" I spit.

"Actually I do. Whether you like it or not Marzia, I'm your father. And you need to begin treating me like your father."

"You're not my-" I go to say but he cuts me off.

"And as your father, I have the right to know what is going on in your life as that's my job to know" He taps his finger on the table.

"No it's-" I begin to start feeling anger boil within me.

"He didn't even ask me for my permission to date you. You didn't even ask for permission to date someone. You need to begin showing some respect towards me. Towards your own father." He states. I know what he was doing. He thinks that if he tries to be the dominant one in the family, I'm magically going to agree with him and acknowledge his persistence. But that's not going to work. If I don't take shit from a highly dangerous, alpha werewolf, I'm fucking not taking shit from some man who is trying to get back into my life who doesn't even deserve to be in it.

"How old do you think I am? Hm!?" I shout standing over the table, with my hands curled into fists against the wood.

"How fucking old do you think I am!? Last time I checked, I will be twenty-one in three weeks. I am not nine anymore! And I am most certainly not sixteen!" I yell gesturing to the age of Scott who was sitting there worried that I was going to change. He better be because I don't have any problem with ripping his throat out. And I don't need to worry about my secret getting out because everyone but my 'father' knows I'm a fucking werewolf!!

"You can't be sitting here telling me to respect you and to ask for your permission on things such as dating someone when you don't even fucking know me! You don't know me!!" I shout.

"I know you" He says seeming confident.

"Oh you do, do you? Haha!! Okay, what's my favourite colour? Hm!?" I ask him raising my eyebrows waiting for his answer but as I predicted, he remained silent.

"Here, I'll give you another one! How old was I when I had to go into the emergency ward at the hospital because I almost due to my asthma!? Huh?! Come on this is a really easy one. I'll give you a hint, it was the same night your drunk ass left us!!" I scream feeling my nails dig into the wooden table.

"Marzia" Scott uneasily says as I begin to change. Derek suddenly grabs me pulling me out of the room and up the stairs, into my room. He slams the door behind us as I begin kicking at my desk.

"Ugh! Fucking prick! Fucking waste of fucking space!!" I scream punching the wall, surprised I haven't put a hole in it.

"Marzia calm down" Derek says putting his hands on my shoulders as I stare at his face.

"That fucking dick! How dare he! He doesn't-" I begin to shout but suddenly stop feeling myself change back to my normal self within seconds. My eyebrows furrow in as my mouth is left open.

"Marzia?" Derek raises an eyebrow unsure as to what just happened. I grip onto his chest as I breathe in sharply. I'm... I'm having an asthma attack... My chest squeezes tightly together as I try to breathe. Tears fill my eyes as like always, I begin to feel scared.

"Marzia!" Derek shouts my name as I begin to drop feeling my chest become heavy.

"Stay calm! I'll go get Scott!" He leans me against my bed and the heels of my feet rub against the wooden floor as I fight the need to breathe.

"Scott! Melissa!" Derek yells running out of my room and down the corridor. Moments later running footsteps come my way.

"Marzia!" My mum cries holding an inhaler in front of me. My hand rises pressing down on the inhaler, allowing me to breathe. I do it again and again until finally I'm able to breathe. Scott and Derek both look exceeding worried and confused.

"Are you okay honey?" My mum asks cupping my face.

"Yes mum" I gulp. She stands to her feet staring down at me. Derek kneels in front of me where I hug him tightly.

"What happened to me?" I whisper into his ear before digging my face into the crook of his neck.

"I don't know... But I'm going to find out." He says back holding me tightly. I pull away from Derek and he helps me up.

"We might go mama..." I whisper to her as she nods. She hugs me quickly before the two of us leave my mother's house. The whole car trip home my heart was pounding loudly and I was slightly shaking. Derek was just as confused as I was but he didn't want to show it.


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