Chapter Forty-Five

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I stretch my arms out as I awaken to light flow into my room. Hm? I open my eyes and remember I'm in a new house. My new house. I roll to my side looking at how much light was piling into my room. I really need to buy some curtains. I grab my phone reading it to only be eight in the morning. Ugh!! I sit up rubbing my eye as I sigh softly. Great, more unpacking!

Four hours pass and I find myself lying on my floor surrounded by empty boxes. I need to go out and buy some equipment for the kitchen. But I am probably the laziest person you will meet so maybe not. I sit up wondering why I wasn't sitting on the couch my mum gave me when I moved out. It's not overly big but she said it never gets used so may as well have it. I put the boxes within one another allowing more space in my lounge room. Everything is coming together quite nicely. I go into my empty kitchen with only one box on the counter. My mum gave me a few bowls, cups and cutlery to help me get started which was exceptionally sweet of her. I put everything yawning at my exhaustion. It was only midday and I knew if I had a nap now I wouldn't sleep tonight. So, I grab my keys and wallet leaving my house and driving through North Lapstone. I drive past a high school, some shops and a creepy ass cemetery. I drive around what looked to be the centre of their square which had a large statue, surrounded by hedges. I park my car out the front of a bar looking down the row of shops. As I walk, I come across a small supermarket, that had enough in it that I needed. I bought some things for my kitchen and even some bits and pieces for the bathroom and my bed room. I wasn't going to get any food that needed to be in a fridge because I still need to buy one... So two minute noodles all the way!

"That is one hundred and thirty-four dollars" The woman at the register says as I get out my card. The money from the will my grandfather gave me is beginning to run out... Majority of it went to buying my house, so I'll have to get a job soon. Haven't had a job since I was eighteen...

"Have a nice day ma'am" She says to me as I smile back. I grab all my bags feeling the plastic burn into my arm as I carry the heavy items back to my car. I was so close to my car until one of my bags break allowing my two pots to fall.

"Ugh!" I groan kneeling down trying to grab it.

"Need any help?" Someone asks kneeling down in front of me.

"Oh, hi Patrick" I smile at him.

"Yeah, that would be great thanks" I thank him as he grabs the pots off the ground.

"That looks really heavy. Do you need any help carrying them?" He offers.

"It's okay my car is just there" I say as we walk down to my car.

"So, how are you finding North Lapstone?" He questions.

"It's nice, not too much going on which is great" I state as he nods.

"Yeah, it's a quiet little town. But that's what makes it great" He comments as I open the boot of my car, allowing us the put the items inside.

"What's it like living by on your own? You know as you told me you used to live with your parents then with a dorm partner?" He asks leaning against my car.

"It's lonely but kind of nice..." I shrug as I've only spent one night there.

"Well I better let you go" He smiles his killer grin.

"Wait Patrick... Did you want to come back to mine later to hang out or something?" I ask him anxiously.

"I'd love that" He smiles.

"Cool, well you know where I live so just come round whenever" I bite the side of my cheek stopping myself from talking too much.

"See you then" He smirks walking off. 


 I know it's a little slow at the moment 

but don't worry some drama is coming!

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