Chapter Fifteen

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"You" Derek says not breaking his eye contact with me. My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach feeling my eyes water.

"W-why do they want me? I have nothing! I am no one!" I yell tapping my chest hard. I didn't know how to feel. A pack of werewolves, alpha werewolves were on the hunt for me. Who knows what they could do to me.

"Well according to them you are a someone. Someone who has made their way into Derek's life causing you to be his weak spot. They want you so they can get to him" Peter explains. I look at the two confused and scared. Why am I Derek's weak spot? I've only known him for what, a month?! If that?! Did Darcy know about this? Well her silence is definitely telling me something.

"I want to leave. I need to leave. I need air. Oh god I need my puffer" The water in my eyes makes my vision blurry as I place my hand on my forehead, pulling it back causing the hair on my head to pull along with it. My left hands on my stomach as I begin to panic. I didn't bring my puffer mostly because I wasn't expecting something like this to happen. My throat begins to feel like it was closing and my chest feels tight. I see Derek run up to me holding a puffer in his hand. My hands fumble with it before placing it against my lips. A minute later, I was back to breathing normally and I was beginning to calm back down.

"Good job, you almost killed her. You almost did the alphas job for them" Peter comments. Derek turns to him before letting out a terrifying roar. I gulp feeling scared and having the urge to leave. He turns back to me and his eyes fade back from a red colour to his normal hazel ones. Darcy was on her feet looking concerned for me and my health.

"I think it's best if I took her home" Darcy finally says walking over to me. Derek nods not looking at me. We leave the building, getting into her car.

As soon as we got back to the college, I exit the car as quickly as possible. I get up to the dorm locking the door behind me. I knew Darcy had a key and was able to get in with ease. Out of anxiousness, I grab a chair from one of the desk, jamming it up under the door knob. I can't believe it... Darcy a werewolf... All this time she could have killed me with one single swipe. My eyes dart to the handle as she tried to open the door.

"Marzia please open the door" her voice runs through the door. I remain silent backing up until bumping into my desk.

"Marzia please... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just didn't know how you were going to react... I promise I would never hurt you and neither would Isaac or Derek. You trusted me before. Why is me being a werewolf so different?" She says as I began to feel guilty about locking her out. I did trust her before this. I guess I was just scared they were going to use me for something after reading about those book about werewolves. I pull the chair from under the door knob and opened the door.

"Thank you" she whispers to me.

The next day I wake for my class like normal. Every second Monday, Darcy starts at the same time as me.

"Morning" She says as I ignore her. I hear her sigh to herself as I go into the bathroom. I tie my hair up before splashing water on my face. I exit the bathroom changing into black jeans and a BHC shirt. I grab my essentials before leaving for class, completely ignoring Darcy. She lied to me, and that scares me... I just need some time to think. I go to class trying to clear my mind from yesterday. I take seat next to the large windows, looking out to different paths leaving to different buildings. No matter how hard I tried, my mind kept flicking back to Derek. The way he touched my body on Wednesday. He actually felt human. Not physically, but mentally. I don't know why me and Derek having sex is sticking in my mind so much. I know this may sound slutty but I have had a random one night stand before and that didn't bother me the next day. And with my ex, after we had sex I wasn't overly obsessed with thinking about it like I am with Derek. Maybe because I hadn't been touched liked that in such a long time, my mind can't stop thinking about it. I haven't felt like this. Not even with my old boyfriend. Speaking of which, I swear I thought I saw his car today in the car park. The only reason why I think it's his cause the number plate looked familiar. Class is finally dismissed and I decide to go get a coffee. As I walk to my car I notice Derek's parked a few spots before mine. I roll my eyes knowing he's probably come to talk to me about yesterday. As I get closer to my car, I see someone leaning against it, with their arms folded.

"John?" I whisper unsure if it actually was him or not. I get up to my car 100% positive it is him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him annoyed.

"A hello would be nice" He says as I open my front door, placing my bag and laptop on the passenger seat.

"Okay, hello dickface, what are you doing here?" I smile sarcastically at him.

"No need to be rude babe. I'm here because I too attend this college" He announces.

"And when I saw your car here I got excited and decided to wait until you came to your car" He adds on.

"Wait you attend this college?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I got kicked out of my last one" He shrugs as though it was a normal thing. And for him, it was.

"Well congrats, I'm leaving now so get off my car" I order him.

"Don't you know what this means? We'll be able to see each other every day. We can put that silly little mistake behind us. I forgive you" He smirks.

"You forgive me? Silly little mistake? May I remind you that you were the one that cheated on me for two months until Scott found out and told me. Then after you somehow persuaded me to get back with you, I find you sleeping with some bimbo... Twice!" I spit at him beginning to get angry.

"I know but I'm sorry. Besides no one can even begin to match up to you. Look at you.... You're sexy" He bites his lip as I fold my arms unimpressed.

"Don't you miss the way I use to touch you. Or my mouth on yours. Come on, kiss me" He says grabbing my waist and pulling me in.

"Get off of me" I growl, trying to push away from him. His arms securely around me as my hands push against his shoulders.

"Kiss me Marzia"

"No get away" I hit his chest as I feel his hands side to my arse.

"Stop!" I squeal before feeling myself getting taken back. I look to see Derek come into view as his fist collides with John's face, causing him to stumble to the concrete.

"What the fuck dude" John yells holding his face as he stares up at Derek.

"Didn't you hear her the first time? She doesn't want you touching her. Now get! Before I make that pretty face of yours not so pretty anymore" Derek threatens as John stands to his feet, walking off pissed. Everything goes quiet as Derek turns to me.

"Thank you" I whisper looking down to the ground.

"Marzia, I need to talk to you. About me, about everything" He urgently says. I shake my head taking a step towards my car but he gets in my way.

"Marzia please. I want to help you. At the moment you're weak and an easy target for the alphas. I want to be able to keep you safe. I honestly care for you"

"Well you should stop caring for me because that's the whole reason I'm being hunted down in the first place. Do me and yourself a favour and stop talking to me. Maybe then I'll finally be safe" I say as tears fill my eyes. Derek remains silent allowing me to push past him and to get into my car. I quickly start the car, taking off without saying anything else to him. I don't know why I'm crying. It's not like I had any actual feelings for him. They come and they go. Except this one has managed to put me in danger... Can my life get anymore shitty?

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