Chapter Seventeen

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The next morning, I sit up to see Isaac sleeping on his back, with his left arm over his eyes and the right one on his stomach. I yawn deeply lifting his right up and hanging it over me as I rested on his body. He groans softly as I move in close to him. An hour later, he wakes and begins to play on his phone as I continue to lie there on top of him. I could hear very faint talking of my mum and Scott out within the house.

"What's the time?" I mumble.

"Nine thirty" He replies feeling the vibrations of his voice run through his chest.

"Mm... I should probably get up then"

"You don't have to. I'm quite enjoying this" He says cheekily. I smile softly sitting up noticing my door was still open from last night.

"Scott is going to kill me" Isaac comments.


"I just spent the night in the same bed with his sister, spooning her" He says as though it was obvious.

"Oh don't worry. It's not like we had sex" I laugh getting up but just by saying I immediately begin to think about Derek. I shake my head leaving my room and walking down into the kitchen.

"Hi mum" I smile as she sips her coffee.

"Good morning sweetie. It's been a while since you've been here of a morning. How come you've decided to stop by?" She asks as I get a carton of orange juice out of the fridge. Scott stands in front of the toaster, waiting for his toast to pop out at any time. I knew he was listening in on our conversation so I decide to spare her the details.

"I just decided I'd come visit my family" I smile lying.

"Morning everyone" Isaac smiles walking in.

"Morning Isaac" My mum says flipping through her magazine.

"Scott" Isaac says as he turns to him.

"Isaac." Scott replies seeming slightly annoyed with him. They stare at each other for a few more seconds before Isaac takes a seat next to me.

"Scott..." I mutter his name.

"Don't be rude" I order as I take a sip of my juice.

"I'm going to go now. Scott you should be at school, I'll write you a note for being late" Mum annoyingly says as she grabs a notebook and pen.

"There. See you when I get home and I'll see you whenever. Love you all" She kisses Scott's cheek then mine. Once she left, the room turns quiet.

"So what's the real reason you're here?" Scott asks.

"Because of some complications. What's it to you?" I raise an eyebrow. He looks over to Isaac then back to me not convinced.

"Isaac knows doesn't he? Isaac what is it?"

"No he doesn't know okay? Just drop it. Why do you care?" I fold my arms.

"Why were you in bed with my sister?" Scott changes the subject turning his attention to Isaac.

"So this is what it's about huh? Scott, he's allowed to do what he wants. Besides, I was the one that told him to stay." I could tell Isaac was feeling uncomfortable as Scott and I argued.

"No he's not." Scott growls getting protective over me.

"It's not like we fucked or anything" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah if that happened, he'd be dead already."

"Stop it Scott just stop! I came here to get away from all the arguing and you're not helping! Who cares who I sleep with anyway!? Stop trying to fill in the role of dad! I'm almost twenty-one and you're what? Almost seventeen? Stop pretending you know what's good for me. Stop being so angry at Isaac, he did nothing wrong! If you want to throw anger at someone it should be Derek. He's the one that lied to me. He's the one has somehow tangled himself into my life. He's the one, who I had sex with!" I shout at him feeling the built up anger inside finally hitting its limit. I storm out of the kitchen, angrily walking to my room in which I collect my stuff. I run down the stairs, slamming the front door behind me. I get into my car, throwing my stuff into the back not caring what happened to it. I start my engine, pulling out of the drive way and slamming on the accelerator. I hit the steering wheel unsure of where to go. What the fuck is happening to my life?! Why did Derek have to get involved and fuck everything up for me?! Fuck him! Fuck everyone! I drive past the recognisable neighborhoods until I reached Beacon Hills Preserve. I get out slamming the car door behind me. I walk through the bush, kicking at leaves and twigs, angry, annoyed and frustrated. I let off some steam before taking a seat on a fallen tree. I rest my head in my hands unsure of what to do. I suddenly feel something cover my mouth and nose causing me to freak out. I try to get away but everything begins to black out.


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