Chapter Fifty

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The next morning, I woke to Derek's arms still wrapped around me. I have a pounding headache but at least my eyes aren't still burning like hell. I remove myself from his grip going into the bathroom before having a quick shower. Once out, I put on some make-up and blow dry my hair.

"Where are you going?" Derek asks as I enter my room.

"To college" I state grabbing my phone off of my bedside table.

"Oh... I thought you were staying home today..." He mutters.

"Derek" I cross my arms.

"Okay, okay... Normal life, I know" He uses his hands to express his emotions better. I wander down stairs drinking some water hoping it will help with my headache. I get a small bag with my things needed for today along with my timetable of my classes and a map of the college. It's much bigger than the one in Beacon Hills. I leave Derek alone in my home as I leave for my class which started in fifteen minutes. I tried to remember how to get there which makes me start thinking about Patrick. He was so nice to me from the first day I met him. I hope I see him again soon... The next thing I knew; I was at my new college. I park my car feeling excited yet nervous. Time to make new friends!

"B38..." I whisper to myself as I search on the map where to go. I pass A block which makes me feel less confused as to where I'm going. I finally come to B block before entering the building going down the long corridors until I was finally at room 38. I bite my tongue before open the door and enter and walking down some stairs to where people were still talking amongst others. I sit rather close to the back mostly keeping to myself. As the lecture begins, I immediately feel drawn to what the professor had to say. He was definitely more interesting than my old professor. Before I knew it, the lecture had finished and I wasn't even thankful it was over. I quite enjoyed myself. As I collect my things I begin to leave the room. I open the doors allowing the sun to shine onto me. I hear footsteps come up behind me, before suddenly stopping.

"Marzia?" A voice says which rings through my ears. I know that voice... I turn around to see Theo standing their looking surprised.

"No way... You go here too?" He laughs in shock.

"What... Why are you here? You... Beacon Hills... What?" I ramble on confused as hell.

"My parents wanted to move and they offered to pay for me to come to this college so I was able to still be near them... Why are you here?" He explains before asking me.

"I... I moved here the other day..." I respond still confused at the chances of him moving to the same suburb and college.

"That's crazy! How about the two of us go out for some lunch?" He suggests.

"I can't I still need to go and buy things for my house." I say adjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

"That's all good. Have a great day" he grins walking off. I begin walking to my car, having my thoughts run through what just happened. There's no way he could be going to the same college... Like what are the chances? Yet again... It would only be weird if he began classes before I moved so it's not as strange seeing as he started there before me. So if anything, I look like the creepy one. I shrug to myself getting into my car and going to the shops. I grab a few things for dinner before driving back to my place. As I get into my house I look to see Derek on the phone, talking to someone. When he sees me, a smile spreads on his face.

"I have to go" He says before hanging up.

"You're home! I was so bored without you" He frowns kissing my forehead.

"How was it?" He asks me.

"It was great actually. Didn't feel the urge to shoot myself in the head for once" I laugh putting the packaged food into the cupboard.

"Ugh I still need to get a fridge... Will you come with me to get a fridge?" I ask him.

"Sure thing" He agrees as the two of us leave the house. Maybe having Derek here won't be such a bad idea?

Guys I think Im getting sick!!):  And no that won't affect updates because between you and me, all the chapters have been written, I'm just too lazy to copy and paste it from microsoft to here((; 

Anyway! Hope you liked it

please vote, comment and follow it really helps me out!! <3 

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