Chapter Twenty-Four

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By the time Darcy got home, I was still sitting at my desk writing out my essay to hand in by Thursday. She ran downstairs and received the Chinese food for us and got out the chocolate and movies from her desk draw. She pulled both of our blankets off, throwing them in the gap of our beds. She rests her laptop on her bed, facing it towards mine.

"Come on, which one do you want to watch first? Ten things I hate about you, The notebook, Grease or The help?" She asks me as she sits on the floor surrounded by blankets, leaning against my bed.

"Hm..." I hum saving my work before turning to her.

"Ten things I hate about you. I'm in the mood to stare at the beautiful Australian face of Heath Ledger." I laugh sitting next to her and grabbing the Chinese food for us to share.

"Good choice" She smiles putting in the disk. I've watched this movie so many times and yet his smile still makes me swoon. We decided on watching the help next mostly because I wasn't in the mood for all that back and forth love from the two in the notebook. I didn't make it through Grease as I fell asleep during Rizo's song. When I woke up, my neck was feeling exceptionally painful. I stand to my feet and go into the bathroom brushing my teeth. I return and look at Darcy who was in a position which looked uncomfortable yet comfortable at the same time. I take a seat at my desk opening my laptop to see the first thing come into view being my essay. I look at the word count ready 960. I'm so close. I've probably repeated myself for the last few paragraphs and have written words that my professor wouldn't even know. The fancier looking the words are, the higher the mark!  Right? I type away ending it with a conclusion which sums up everything I have written. But when you think about it, why not just have a conclusion for your essay? It explains everything in just forty words. By the time I was finished and ready to put it on my usb, I noticed I was running late. I quickly move the essay onto my usb and quickly get dressed. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and wear my BHC shirt with my leggings. I slide on my shoes and grab the usb, my book, a pen and my wallet along with my keys. I race out the door quickly stopping into my professors room, giving her my essay.

"I'm impressed. This didn't need to be handed in until Thursday" She comments as I had to leave for my lecture.

"Yeah, well I finished it and thought may as well just in case something were to happen" I fake smile. I race out of her room and into my lecturers room. I was only three minutes late so everyone was still in a chatter. I take a seat up the back and near a window.

"Hey" Theo says sitting next to me.

"Hey" I say back rubbing the back of my neck.

"How are you?" he asks

"Good yourself?" I question not wanting to be rude.

"I'm fine thanks" He grins. As the lecture started, I forgot how long they went for, how slow my professor talks. I get my phone out texting Isaac, having the urge to meet up with him.

'Yeah I'd love to! Where at? coffee shop?' He replies.

'Sounds great! See you in ten?' I ask even though I still had another hour of my lecture left.

'Perfect, see you there' I could sense his happiness through the text which made me smile. I get up leaving the lecture, feeling peoples eyes burn into me. There was a slight breeze blowing at my hair when I exited the building. I get into my car excited to see him. I get to the cafe ordering a coffee while I waited. His face finally comes into view as he enters wearing a cotton dark grey trench coat which went down to his hips and a dark navy scarf, hanging around his neck. He looks so adorable. A smile appears on his face causing me to grow one also. He gets to the table I was sitting at in which I stand to hug him. He squeezes me tightly, putting his head in the crook of my neck.

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