Chapter Forty-Two

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"Have you found a place yet?" My father asks as he makes himself a cup of tea.

"Not yet... I have my eye on one though which I might email the landlord to see if I make a deal" I admit to him.

"Want to see?" I decide to show him as he nods, sitting next to me. I give him my laptop as he scrolls through the house I have been looking at.

"It's quite nice" He admits to a small white house with a nice veranda.

"That's what I thought. It's not overly big but it doesn't need to be because it'll just be me" I explain to him feeling for a moment a connection between us.

"Isn't that young man going with you? The one that came to dinner?" He asks me.

"I don't think so... He doesn't know I'm moving" I tell him. Why am I telling him? Why am I even talking to him? Usually I feel a hatred towards him but strangely enough, I don't have hatred towards him.

"Oh Marzia.... You really should tell him" He sighs like he actually cared.

"I know but it's hard especially when I don't know how he's going to react." I shrug.

"Well you can only do what your able to do. Don't push yourself to meet someone else's expectations" He states which I took into consideration. He's actually right for once.

"Well I have to go to work. You have a good day" He smiles at me before leaving. I watch him leave the kitchen making me rethink my attitude towards him. Maybe he has changed... Maybe I should give him another chance. I sigh softly going back to what I was doing on my laptop. I didn't have anything to do today but wait for everyone to come home safe and for me to get started on messaging the landlord and real-estate agent.


I twist and turn in my bed as I tried so very hard to sleep. It's hard to sleep when your boyfriend is in Mexico with your brother, Stiles, Lydia, Isaac and others. I still don't know why they didn't allow me to come with them? Like, I could have been a major help. It's been three days since they left but I haven't heard anything from them. I hear the front door open and footsteps come inside. Voices get louder as they then stop once a door closes. Could they be home? I get up from my bed opening my door and knocking on Scott's door. I bite my lip scared I was just imagining it. The door suddenly opens and Stiles wriggles through the crack and closes the door behind him.

"You're home!" I hug him.

"We um, we sure are! But we have a bit of a problem" he explains and I could hear the shakiness in his voice.

"Why..." My voice drags out as I begin to feel anxious.

"Well you remember Kate? Allison's Aunty?"

"Yeah? Peter slit her throat? How could I forget?" I state shivering to the memory of it all.

"Well it turns out, she's not dead..."

"What? How is that possible? I was there!" I object.

"Well apparently you can get turned by scratch... And if they go deep enough which is Kate's situation, it was able to turn her into a werejaguar." He explains.

"You're kidding right? A werejaguar?" I have never in my life heard of a werejaguar.

"But that's not the worse part" He fades out as I hear talking coming from Scott's room.


He opens the door allowing me in before closing the door behind him. Scott standing there looking unsure and confused just like me. There was also another young boy who was probably seventeen just like Scott and Stiles but I've never met him before. Yet, he somehow looked familiar.

"Marzia" Scott says my name walking up to me.

"What's going on?" I ask him and Stiles as the unknown boy looks at me.

"Well Kate kind of did something to Derek" Stiles says rubbing the back of his neck.

"What did she do? Where is he?"

"Right there" Scott turns to the young boy in front of me. I remain silent staring at the boy who was meant to be Derek.

"That's Derek? That's my boyfriend Derek?" I mumble to them. Stiles nods his head pulling up a rolling chair before taking a seat.

"We don't know how she did it but she was able to turn him back to when he was a teenager. He doesn't remember anything after his age of seventeen. He doesn't remember me nor Scott. He probably doesn't even remember you" Stiles explains as I walk up to young Derek, staring into his eyes. I kneel down in front of him as he looks at me confused.

"Derek?" I whisper looking up at him.

"Can I leave now? I need to find my family" He suddenly says. His family...

"He doesn't know" I look to Scott who remains silent.

"Derek, do you remember who I am?" I ask him. He shakes his head as his hands play with one another. I bite my tongue looking at Scott and Stiles.

"How do we turn him back?" I question sounding desperate.

"We don't know... We think it might have something to do with his memories. If he can remember more and more memories, then maybe he'll turn back?" Stiles explains unsure of his accusation.

"Well in the meantime what do we do with him?" I ask. My eyes wonder Derek's face, staring at his seventeen-year-old self.

"I'm thinking of having him stay the night here then we can figure out everything else tomorrow." Scott suggests. I nod my head standing to my feet.

"Thank you for telling me" I thank him and Stiles.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out soon" Scott mutters as I nod in agreement.

"I'll go get you some food" Stiles says to teenage Derek before leaving. Scott sits in his chair thinking of how to fix Derek. I sit next to him confused of how she could do this and why.

"Can I go now?" Derek asks me just as confused as us.

"Not now... Listen Derek, you may not remember me but I have to say this... I'm moving away. I'm moving to North Lapstone in a week from now okay? I don't know whether or not you'll come but I have to leave this place. I'm sorry" I say to him even though he probably won't understand. He could tell I was extremely upset and decides to reply to me.

"I can see you're quite upset and I just want to say I'm sorry I can't remember anything..." He says to me.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. Let me know if you need me for anything. The both of you" I gesture to both Derek and Scott as they both nod. I head back into my room, hugging my pillow tightly. I close my eyes praying everything that just happened was just a dream. But it wasn't...

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