Chapter Twenty-Three

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The next morning I found myself in Derek's bed and Derek on the couch. I lie there thinking about what happened last night. He didn't want to hurt me no matter what. I almost choked him to death for god sakes. I sit up, looking at his windows then back to him. I knew he did what he had to in order to save me even if that meant turning me into one of them. I get up from the bed quietly leaving his place and finally finding myself outside. I didn't have anything on me. My phone, my bag, my wallet. I cross my arms walking out of the driveway and down the street. Half an hour goes by as I walk down the main street and come up to the small shops I get a coffee from. I pass it soon seeing my college in sight. I was surprised I wasn't as exhausted as I thought when I got home. It also surprised me my asthma hasn't risen back up. I get to my dorm, knocking at the door until Darcy answers it rubbing her eyes.

"Marzia?" She questions as I push through and enter the room.

"Did Derek drop you off?" She asks.

"No, I walked..." I whisper.

"You walked?! You're kidding that's like forty minutes! Why?!" She questions shocked.

"I didn't want to be there okay? Can we just drop it? I've been through a lot in the pass few weeks. I just need time to myself" I beg her sitting on my bed.

"Alright" She mumbles rubbing her arm. I noticing all my stuff I had the day the alphas took me. My phone which was plugged into it's charger. My keys beside it and also my wallet. My laptop resting on my pillow and my bag left sitting on my desk. I grab my phone looking through my notifications. I had miss calls from everyone probably ringing to know where I was. I lay my phone down, lying on my bed, moving my laptop to the ground. My eyes feel heavy as I snuggle into my pillow.

It was the next day and I didn't know if I wanted to go in a take any of my classes for the day. I'm so behind I really should go... I finally decide on going and hop in the shower real quick before dressing and grabbing the essentials. I kind of missed being in the room with everyone else around me having the same passion as me. My body cringes as I hear the sound of pens hitting the notebooks of students. The sound of the keypad getting attacked by the fingers of others and people chewing at the gum in their mouths. I bite down on my tongue trying to block out those sounds and to consentrate on my professor. Her voice was quite low for a woman but in all honesty she sounded like she didn't want to be there. She's rather old looking with small glasses, grey-brown hair and a few wrinkles but I'd say she's only late fifties. I roll my neck round feeling tense and tight. I let out a soft sigh having the feeling someone was watching me. I look to my left towards the windows to see a young boy diagonal behind me, staring at me with a deep gaze. I look back to the front feeling slightly intimidated and a little scared. Why was he staring at me? Me! Does he like the way I look? Oh my god do I smell bad?! Maybe my clothes look weird? Do I have snot on my face? I look back quickly and he was still looking at me but his expression wasn't like he was amused by anything on me, but more like intrigued. I could feel myself getting uncomfortable and from that point on I didn't look back. The lesson was finally over and I stand from my desk, getting my book and pen. I don't bring much to my lesson mostly because all we do is copy down notes and once in a while join in practical work but I don't like participating much with all these stuck ups. As I push my chair, the man from earlier approaches me, smiling softly at me.

"Hi, I'm Theo" He says to me as I am unsure to leave or introduce myself. I mentally argue with myself before smiling at him.

"Marzia" I reply awkwardly standing there.

"I haven't noticed you here before... Did you just start or?" He asks.

"Oh I've missed a few classes..." I embarrassingly say.

"I actually need to get some extra work off the professor so if you'll excuse me" I add on almost feeling relieved to walk away from him. He made me feel so vulnerable and small. I talk with my professor who reluctantly gives it to me.

"You need to get these done as soon as possible. You also need to attend a certain amount of hours to this course if you want to pass for next year. You're on a thin ice." She warns pushing her glasses up her nose. I nod my head turning quickly on my heels, leaving for the door.

"Hey wait" Theo calls out as I walk outside and down a pathway, back to my dorm.

"You live on campus?" He asks walking beside me.

"Yeah, you?" I question.

"I do indeed, block C" He explains as we pass block A.

"Cool" I mutter sounding disinterested mostly because I was.

"I'm not bombarding you or anything am I?" He asks noticing I wasn't in the mood to talk.

"No it's okay, I've just had a rough week" I mumble playing with the pen in my hand.

"I'm sorry to hear that" He frowns and before we knew it we were at block C.

"This is my stop. We should do that again sometime" He smirks at me, slowly backing up.

"Sure" I shrug as he points at me winking. I squeeze my pen walking off fast until reaching my block. I rush up the stairs and into my dorm room.

"You're back already? I'm just about to go to a lecture and I have no clue when I'll be back. I've pre-ordered us Chinese food for it to arrive at eight, I ran out and got us some movies and got us some chocolate." She smiles looking around for anything she may need for her class.

"You're too good to me" I grin at her feeling spoilt.

"Anything for my bestie" She tackles me in a hug. She lets go going to the door and opens it wide.

"By the way Derek called just to assure with me if you were in fact here and not in any danger." She explains as I sigh.

"He told me to tell you that you need to go around to his place either tomorrow or the next day. He needs to teach you how to control your werewolf powers. But enough of that, I need to go. Bye!" She quickly informs me before running out the door. I stare at the closed door thinking about everything she just said. I still haven't gotten use to the term 'werewolf powers'. It still sounds strange and unrealistic to me. I lie on my bed opening a book not ready to do my essay. As I flipped over my tenth page, I hear a sudden knock come from my door. Who could this be? I go to the door opening it to see Theo standing the smiling softly.

"Theo, what are you doing here? How did you find what dorm I was in...?" I fade out confused.

"Oh I um... Lucky guess I suppose? Ha-ha, did you want to come out with me and a few friends tonight?" He asks.

"Uh...  can't tonight. I have to wait for Darcy to come home... We already have something planned" I rub the back of my neck feeling a little uncomfortable.

"That's fine. Have a good night Marzia" He grins walking off. I close the door wandering how he was able out of all of the dorm rooms, to have known this was my dorm? That surely couldn't have been a lucky guess...

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