Chapter Eight

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"Marzia.... Marzia....Time to wake up honey.... It's almost eleven" I hear a voice say to me as my eyes begin to open.

"Darcy?" My voice croaks as I see her standing inches away from my face holding a cup of coffee in her hand.

"I got you this. Cappuccino with one sugar right?" She says passing me the coffee.

"yeah, thanks" I smile taking the drink.

"Last night was fun wasn't it?" She grins at me.

"Yeah I..." I fade out remembering what happened. I kissed Derek.... Oh my god...

"Yeah, it was fun" I smile at her not wanting to tell her.

"Well it's a Saturday, maybe you, me, Derek and Isaac could do something?" She shrugs. I cough up a bit of my coffee as she mentions Derek's name.

"Um, sure?"

"I'm just not sure what we could do though" She taps her chin.

"We could go get some lunch?" I suggest.

"Actually that sounds like a really good idea! Perfect! Okay, I'll give you time to have a shower and feel refreshed and I'll text them times." Darcy explains.

"Can we make it like one of something?" I ask.

"Sure" She smiles typing away on her phone. I put my coffee down before grabbing my towel and walking into the bathroom. A shiver runs down my spine as I look at my reflection. I honestly looked like death. I strip down to nothing before turning on the hot water. My hands stay under the water waiting until it was hot enough to add some cold water. My arms cover my body as I step in under the water. I turn showing my back to the high pressured water, letting it hit my tense skin. My mind keeps going back to last night and what happened. The way I just so easily kissed him with no hesitation or anything. But what gets me the most is the fact, after I pulled away, he wanted to kiss me again. He was the one who brought us back into that kiss. I remember how he stopped me when my hands were leading down under his belt. The fact he refused to go any further because he knew I had been drinking. Most guys wouldn't do that. They would take the chance while they had it. But he didn't... I shake my head trying to forget about it as it only made me hot a flustered. I wash my hair and rinse off my body. My legs shaved and my armpits, I finally decide to leave the soothingly warm water. I wrap my towel around my body, exiting the foggy bathroom.

"It's quite warm outside, just letting you know" Darcy comments as she goes through all of her cooler clothing options. I nod in response joining her with looking through the cupboards. I pull out black high waisted shorts and a leotard like clothing that is worn under pants or skirts. I pick out a thin skin coloured bra and underwear before putting the the maroon leotard like shirt on. I slide on my black high waisted shorts then pull on some white ankle socks. I flick my hair around helping it dry quicker and naturally. I put a light powder over my face and mascara.

"Ready?" I look over to Darcy who was applying some lip gloss on her naturally light pink lips. Her head turns to me before sighing.

"You're so lucky you're naturally gorgeous. All you have to do is put mascara on and you're publicly ready. I need to put two foundations on, liquid and powder, eye liner and mascara to look decent" She complains.

"Oh shut up you're beautiful without make up. And if it makes you feel any better, I also put powder on as well." I reply sliding my white shoes on.

"Come on Darcy" I fold my arms as she checks herself in the mirror for the fiftieth time.

"Okay okay" She says grabbing her stuff before turning to me. She was wearing a long sleeved shirt which was tucked into a high waisted skirt. She also had black high knee socks and thick shoes.

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