Chapter Thirty-Nine

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As I close up my book after one of my classes, I was more than happy to leave my class for the day.

"Marzia wait" Theo comes running after me.

"Hey what's up?" I ask him.

"I um, I was wondering if maybe the two of us could go out for some lunch sometime this week?" He asks.

"Oh... As in just as friends or?" I awkwardly question.

"No as in a date" He clears his throat.

"I'm really sorry Theo, I actually have a boyfriend..." I apologize feeling sorry for him.

"Boyfriend?... Who?"

"... Derek...?" I respond confused.

"Derek Hale?"


"No, you should stay away from Derek. He's nothing but trouble. He'll hurt you" Theo suddenly starts acting strange.

"I know he may come off intimidating but he means well" I stick up for Derek.


"I need to go Theo. Sorry again... See you around" I wave, walking off.

Two weeks have passed and I've only seen Derek once. Mostly because I'm trying really hard to catch up with all my school work, meaning no distractions.

"Hey" Darcy says as she enters the dorm room.

"Hey" I grin looking up from my laptop.

"So, what are we going to do for your birthday?" Darcy asks sitting on her bed.

"I don't want to do anything" I admit.

"Oh don't be silly! I was thinking maybe throwing a party" She suggests.

"For starters, where would we even have the party? We live in a dorm room. And secondly... I don't want a party!" I groan.

"We could probably throw it at Derek's..." Darcy thinks out loud, ignoring me.

"Darcy, if you have forgotten, I kind of have Kate trying to kill me so the last thing I want to is bring attention to myself" I look over at her.

"Fine... fine!" She throws her hands in the air. I smile watching her walk around the room, feeling defeated by me.

"Listen Darcy I um... Don't tell anyone, not even Derek... But, I was thinking maybe once I'm finished with this course I might move" I say looking down at my fingernails.

"Well of course you'll move. We can't stay in these dorms forever" She giggles.

"No I mean like. Move away from here. Out of Beacon hills"

"What!? No you can't move! If you move, then who am I supposed to go to when shit goes down!? But – Marzia!" She cries out.

"It's just a thought" I shrug.

"Please don't leave me!" She squeals tackling me.

"Just whatever you do, please don't mention anything to Derek. It's only a thought. It's not official." I beg her.

"Okay, I promise I won't tell him" She pulls back sitting on my bed.

--A week later--

"Wake up! Wake up!" Darcy screams jumping on me.

"What?" I groan stretching my arms as she squishes me.

"It's your birthday!! You're twenty-one!! Oh my god!" She laughs literally rolling over me.

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