Chapter Thirty-Three

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"I saw it coming! I'm like a genius! Omg I am so happy!" Darcy cries out as she can't get over the fact that Derek and I are official.

"Okay I get it" I laugh putting my notes together.

"Is he a good boyfriend? Is he rough but gentle when you ask?" She asks me.

"We've only been dating for a day. So obviously it's a little awkward at the moment. It always is" I shrug sitting on my bed. Her beady little eyes look deeply into me.

"You two make me want to cry" She pouts.

"Why?" I chuckle.

"You two are just so cute!" She complains as I roll my eyes. I turn my beside light on allowing me to turn the main room light off. Darcy leans over turning her side lamp on also adding that tiny bit more of light into the room.

"I have so much to catch up on" I groan flopping onto my bed feeling the urge to sleep.

"What do you have to do?" She asks flicking through a text book, tapping her highlighter against her chin.

"I have to complete three essays, I need to do six make up exams and two research tasks which are eight pages each" I explain staring at the ceiling.

"Shit man, good luck" She wickedly chuckles. I softly make weird noises as I roll around on my bed. I get my laptop opening it up to word. Here we go.


My hands rub over my face as a yawn escapes my mouth. I look at the corner of my laptop reading it to be five forty-three am. I look over to Darcy who looked peaceful in her weird sleeping position. I envy her. I've completed two of my two thousand word essays and one of my eight paged research task. My eyes burn as I stare at the mountains of words in front of me. I've probably repeated myself twenty times in the past sentences. Two thousand words are too much... It should be like... one hundred words. I quickly save my essay ready for my next one. I yawn once again, giving myself a double chin in the meantime. I start typing up my beginning sentence, while distracting myself with YouTube videos.

"Stop it Marzia! Focus!" I whisper to myself. I look at the time again and it's now six twenty am. My local coffee shop opens at six thirty... Maybe if I go to get a coffee, I can come back, finish this essay off then print them all off and hand them in before going to my ten o'clock lecture? Sounds like a plan. I push my laptop off my lap standing to my feet and searching for my shoes. I was already wearing track suit pants and a singlet which looked presentable enough. I chuck on a jacket and grab my stuff. I shuffle quietly out of the room before dawdling to my car. As I sit in the car, I yawn again before starting the engine. Wake up! I mentally yell slapping my cheeks. I get out of the car park, driving down the road and to the coffee shop. They had just opened but I sit in my car for a few more minutes, not wanting to be creepy. I finally decide to go in, almost dying when I reach the register.

"Hi, how can I help you today?" The man behind the register asks with a big smile. It's not even seven in the morning yet... How are you so happy!?

"Um, one cappuccino with one sugar" I order getting my wallet out.

"Is that a small or large?" he asks. It's six thirty-nine in the morning.... A fucking large!!

"Large thanks" I softly smile trying to be a nice person.

"That will be $4.20" He grins as I try my hardest not to say blaze it. I hand him my money before I hear him speak up.

"It won't be long" He says taking my order over to the coffee machine and begins to make noises too loud to be made this early of a morning. After what seemed like forever, I finally get my coffee relieved it wasn't too hot, giving me the ability to drink it straight away. I try to savor it, knowing I will need it while I'm continuing my essay. The urge to chug it in the car was unbelievable but I made it with only a sip taken. I walk up the mountains of stairs before entering my room. I glare at Darcy jealous of her slumber. I resume my position on my bed that I was in for the past six hours and bring my coffee to my mouth. I take another sip ready to continue my essay.

"Shit" I hear Darcy suddenly yell as my eyes shoot open. I look at my blacked out screen and the empty coffee cup to my left before realizing I had fallen asleep.

"What's the time?" I speak up getting to a seated position, trying to turn my laptop off.

"Almost eight" She says as my laptop finally decides to cooperate.

"I can't believe I fell asleep" I rub my face still completely exhausted.

"How long did you fall asleep for?" She asks me as I look at the time.

"Um... maybe twenty minutes?" I estimate as she stands there shocked.

"Marzia that's so bad! You need more sleep"

"I know but I need to finish this... Go to your class, I'll be fine" I advise her as I read the last few sentences I last wrote.

"Alright... I'll see you later then" She says before leaving alone. My fingers attach themselves to the keypad as I begin to type up utter bullshit which will allow me to pass.


"Ha! Haha!!" I begin to laugh like a crazy woman as I finally finish the third essay. Two thousand words exact...

"Yes!!" I yell out feeling indestructible. My fingers fumble with my USB transporting them all onto the small device. I get my jacket and shoes rushing down to the library. My eyes burn into the paper as they slide from the printer, words filling the blank pages. I pick them all up, having at least twenty or so pages in hand and I run on back to my dorm where I staple the needed pages together. I place them on my desk staring at them. I don't know what to feel... I feel happy I finished, but angry I didn't get the sleep I needed. And I can't exactly sleep now... I need to go to my lecture. And to the fact I won't have time to give my professors my essays now, I have to give them all to them later. Then I'm going to Derek's... Maybe I could skip out on Derek's tonight? No I couldn't... That was be so slack. I leave my dorm taking my essays with me and handing them in to my professors. I'm slowly catching up to everything which makes me happy. I go to my lecture trying so very hard not to fall asleep. My eyes were burning by the end of the lesson and I could feel my feet dragging along the ground. I get my laptop and work I still had to complete. I was just given another research task... Yay. I fill up a bag full of items before leaving for Dereks. I almost fall asleep at the wheel as I drive to his place. I pull up the front, dragging my stuff along with me. I pull open the door seeing Derek's back to me as he goes through pages of Latin as he tries so very hard to understand what it all means. I walk up behind him, watching as he turns towards me.

"Hey" He smiles as I walk up to him, feeling my eyes burn and sting.

"Wow, what's wrong?" He asks worried, looking at my zombie face.

"I haven't slept for the past thirty-one hours" I say with a monotone voice.

"Seriously? How come?" He questions leaning against the desk, folding his arms.

"I had to finish off essays and research tasks. I still have more to do so if you don't mind" I explain before going over to his bed, getting out my laptop and prepared to begin to do the rest of my research tasks that I had left. He remains silent leaving me be. I could feel my eyes become heavy as I typed the words onto my blank page. 

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