I hate watching you fall angel

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Ashley's POV
I woke up screaming from a night mare, only to feel a cold and empty bed. I started to freak out. Hoping that the dream wasn't true and that he hadn't been taken away from me.
I got up still shaking, the dream consisted of me finding Tyler dead because I wasn't there to save him. Just thinking about it send cold shivers down my spine. When I get out to the kitchen I see a note set on the desk, and a bite taken out of my bagel, Ty must have made it for me. I chuckled at the sight of it. I read the note.
Hey babe,
Mar called and said she needed me on set so I left you some breakfast, see you at set at 10.
I'm okay btw you can stop panicking :)
Tyler xx
I smiled because he knows me so well. He knows when I angry, sad, happy and nervous. There's something about this boy that makes me feel safe you know? Like nothing could ever hurt me. Just as I was thinking that, my phone rang.
"Something bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman, something bout something bout something bout you" blasted from my phone, it startled me a bit. I walked over to my phone and noticed the caller ID as "goose" aka Lucy Hale. I answer it.
"Hi goose!" I say down the phone
"Ash..." She says quietly
"Yes? Lucy where are you what is all of that noise in the background?" I ask
"Um well Tyler kinda is not feeling well and he asked you to bring his 'things' from the bathroom" she said worried
"Of course!" I said rushing around my house trying to find his medicine. I found it.
"Right I got it, I'll be there as soon as I can, bye Luce" I said hanging up.
I was really worried something bad has happened, my heart was beating so fast. I quickly drove to set, with Ty's stuff in my hand. I burst through the doors, speed walking to Tyler's dressing room, where I assumed he would be. I opened the door and everyone looked at me.
"Hey Ty" I said rubbing his back
"Oh have you got the things" he said eying me up
"Yep I have, you can all leave now thanks" I said hoping not to sound rude, but I don't know if Tyler wanted people here right now.
As the door slammed shut, I made sure everyone left I let out a big sigh and sat down on the sofa.
"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked Tyler who was taking his pills.
"Just felt faint, and then I remembered that I made you breakfast this morning, and rushed out with out taking my morning dose" he said pulling out the needle. I looked away slightly because I don't like needles, especially when they are being injected into my best friend.
"I'm done" he says signalling for me to look back. He hung his head back and I snuggled up close to him.
"Jesus Ty, I was really scared when I got that phone call, even more scared after the dream I had about you dying last night" I mumbled into his chest.
"Ash baby I'm not going to die." He said lifting my chin up.
"In the dream... Sorry night mare, you died because I wasn't there when you needed saving" I said my eyes stinging with tears.
"That could of happened today! Ty what would I have done? I can't live without you" I cried to him, I hated crying in front of people, but I just needed to let it out. It hurt seeing him in pain, and I know it hurts him to see me cry because whenever he notices my tears or sees them running down my face, he draws in sharp breaths, like he's preparing himself for the physiological pain, of watching me break down. He doesn't say anything at first. I'm still crying to him I feel a cold tear land on my head, I look up to see Tyler looking down at me, with a broken face and teary eyes. I wipe them away, trying to repay the favour that he has given me multiple times. Our eyes lock for a moment, in that moment I realise that if anything happened to him, I could never be the Ashley Benson everyone knows today. Tyler has made me who I am today. I never really realised that before now. I sit on his lap, run my hand through his now messy hair.
"You should get some rest" I say standing up.
"I'll be close by if you need me" I say while pulling away from his grip on my hand.
As I'm half way out of the door I hear Ty say me name. I swiftly turn around,
"Thank you Benson, I mean it" he says with a sincere look in his face, I nod and walk out of the dressing room, closing the door quietly behind me.

A|N I love this hope you do it!! Can some of you comment ideas for where to take this story, I always love you're ideas
Thanks so much
Ruth XOX

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