Home keep hold of my heart

667 29 16

Tyler's POV
Really Ash? What on earth!? I look back to her and she looks so in denial and oblivious to what happened, I know that trick she always does it. The man moves to sit next to her, I hear her laugh nervously and take a sip of her drink.
"Tyler?" Cassy asks snapping her fingers in front of my face.
"Um what oh yeah sorry" I say shaking my head looking back at her forcing a smile.
"Hey she moved on, you should too" she says rubbing my thigh.
"Now you can be with someone better" she says quickly, before I have time to reply she connects our lips, I don't kiss back my mind still focuses on Ashley. I pull away and fake smile at her.
I look over and see the man looking at Ashley's body, and let's be honest she didn't leave much to the imagination. He runs his hand up her leg and I see her move in her seat. I started to get really angry, he whispered something in her ear and he dragged her up out of her seat, Ashley then reluctantly walked away with this man out of the pub, looking back at me with a nervous look on her face.
I had to find her, I can't let her do this. I'm so angry at her but I still care about her feelings more than mine even if I didn't show it today. I can't see her get hurt like this and I can't let this man use her. I get up sharply out of my seat but Cassy holds my hand,
"No Cas I need to go and find Ashley I'm sorry" I shout pushing my hand off her.
"She doesn't love you Ty, how cant you see that?" She questioned looking into my eyes.
"Maybe not, but she's too important to me to leave her in danger" I yell back at her storming out of the pub.
I don't know where Ashley could be, first I make my way to her house. I pull up on her drive and see her car in the drive, I get a glimpse of hope but then remembered she came with that guy and it all came crashing down again. I walk over to her front door knock once, and ring the bell once, that's how she knows it's me. I get no reply, I turn around to walk back to my car when I see her walking towards the house, her hair tangled in front of her face, she was shivering. I ran over to her, but was shocked to see the state she was in.
"Ash?" I ask her pulling hair from her gloomy face. Her make up from Coachella was all smudged, she had tears streaming down her face. My mind was racing, but I calmed myself, for what felt like the one hundredth time tonight.
She walked past me and opened the door and went slowly inside, I followed her. She sat down on her stairs, just staring at the floor. I sat down quietly beside her.
"What happened? Please Ashley" I plead to her, begging for her to open up to me. I touched her leg, hoping it would comfort her. Instead she yelped in pain and moved away from me. I was shocked but I didn't question it, that was until I saw red, raw marks showing at the hem of her shorts.
"What are these?" I asked her calmly pointing to the marks.
"Um.. I" she muttered looking at them. Then she burst into tears, and let what ever was haunting her out. She was doubled over holding onto her legs in pain while she was still hysterical crying. I caressed her back softly.
"Baby" I said holding her face to my hands,
"Please" I whispered into her ear.
She was trying to get it out I could hear it on the tip of her tongue.
"He.. R.. Raped me" she spat out breathing heavily again. I could feel my eyes pouring with tears whilst my body rocked her back and forth. I couldn't help but blame myself.
"All of this is my fault" I tell her
"I shouldn't have been so stupid. I love you so much Ashley and seeing you looking the way you did, and smiling so bright it could light up the world. I wanted to try and convince myself not to love you. But I only want you! I only want your body next to mine, I only want you're lips. Most importantly I want you to be happy and safe. And you're not and its my fault" I say to her, now I'm crying myself. She's just staring at me like a child, a lost puppy.
"You love me?" She questions quietly.
"More than I've ever loved anyone or  anything else in this world" I tell her wiping a tear away from her cheek.
"Help me get through this" she stutters out because she is still shaking.
"I'm here" I say holding her hand to my face, hoping she believes me this time.

A\N omg this was so sad ughhhh!!!! Hope you enjoyed Thai and liked my little Coachella part to the story! I certainly enjoyed writing this, always comment you're ideas because I love them and you!!!
Ruth XOX

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