Take away the pain, please keep me sane.

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Ashley's POV
Last night keeps replaying over and over in my head, and I keep smiling like an idiot every time. I didn't expect it I really didn't. I didn't expect him to kiss me, I didn't expect him to feel the same I did. It felt so good, feeing his lips on mine. The way we both moved in sync like it was a natural instinct for the both of us. Tyler is still sitting in my kitchen.
"Ash?" He says
"Yep" I say popping the 'p'.
"What are we going to do?" He choked out.
"How am I going to address this situation, with out it blowing up in my face" he says resting on the work top.
I walked over to him, he was silently crying and I could tell he was really upset and shaken by the whole situation. I hugged him closely from the back, softly running my hand through his smooth hair. He let out a sob and I broke my heart. Tyler doesn't cry. And when he does, he's really hurting. Before I knew it tears were falling down my face. I didn't really know what to tell him. I've never been in a situation as personal and as emotional as the one Ty is in.
"Hey, it will be okay. We didn't come this far not to have a happy ending" I say tears still falling fast, that's all I can say to him because it's hurting me seeing him like this. Ty and I have been through everything together, all the ups and the downs in his career and in his personal life. I'm still really angry with myself that I didn't figure out that Tyler was sick sooner, He's one of the most important people in my life, and I couldn't live without him.
He's looking deep into my eyes now, and I'm looking back in his. I swear you could drown in his eyes if you looked in them long enough, all you troubles go away when you look at him.
"Ashley I don't know where I would be with out you and I'm being serious" he said with a slight laugh caressing my face. I kiss his hand gently, oh how I've missed his touch.
"I love you Ty, all of the bumps in the road I'm going to be here. I'll never leave you're side, because I need to you to be okay, I need you to be safe, because to be honest I don't think I would ever be the same without you!" I say loudly, while wrapping him up in my arms. He pulls me in to him, I breath in his scent, which has unchanged throughout the years I've known him. He kissed me on the head and suddenly I feel relaxed again.
He's my sanity.

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