This dilusion in our heads

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Tyler's POV
The weeks have not been the same. No call or fucking message to give me the slightest idea if she's okay! I've let myself go, I'm not looking after myself like I know I should. I don't care about me anymore, and if I don't who else will? I'm slipping through the cracks, drowning in my own sorrow, own fucking pity. I'm barely able to keep it together when I'm doing my scenes, we are kind of blocking the scenes and then Marlene is kind of hopeful that she can make Ash return, but I've lost any sense of hope I had left in me. It's drained away, In to a non existence.

I'm sitting my my house, lights off. Completely sinking. I start to think of all of the amazing memories me and Ashley have together. When I first met her, I fell in love with her instantly. The way she can light up a room without trying. All of my life I had felt alone, even when I was with people, that was until I met her. She completed the missing part of me. Our first kiss scene, it was so magical. I was so nervous, I think Ash was but she didn't show it. The moment put lips met, I knew we had something special, rare even. You know the quote "the hardest thing for an actor to do is to not fall in love with their co-star".
And it's true, over time your heart develops this unconditional love for them. It's hard to deny, even the fans knew it before I did.

I can't take this anymore. Images in my brain kept popping up, old things I remember about her. I was scrolling through my phone crying at all the picture of her, I even have a my own folder for her.
I stumbled across a picture of us, we were smiling. But I could see sadness in her eyes, I remembered it's just after the time I told her about my illness. Something snapped inside of me, she didn't deserve for me to dump all of that on her. She pretended she was okay when she wast. I'm a horrible person, I made the love of my life crack.

A\ N hope you liked Thai please comment you're ideas they really help! Love you long time
Ruth XOX

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