Coachella sadness

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This is going to be like a few Coachella one shot but it will continue into my story.

Ashley's POV
I'm running on no sleep. I had a night shoot earlier and I had to get straight to the plane, to go to the one and only Coachella obviously. I'm attending with Shay, I've been looking forward to it since Christmas! I've been to a lot of music festival but Coachella is my favourite. I've been quite a few times. The best time was back in 2013 when I went with Tyler, he treated me like his princess for the weekend. He held me close as we walked through the grounds listening to music blaring everywhere. We shared a few kisses, spur of the moment. But I really think it was in that moment that we really realised what we had with each other, and I'll never forget that.
We arrived at Coachella, Shay, Haley and I walking hand and hand among the crowds. I knew Tyler was coming too, but I don't know where he is, I really want to see him.
After hours of singing and and dancing with crowds and crowds of people, I felt a bit dehydrated and claustrophobic, so I went over to the bar to grab a drink. As I was walking over I heard a recognisable voice I turned around to see Tyler and his friends all dancing, obviously a bit drunk.
"Hey T" I said tapping him on the shoulder.
"Hey Ash" he said ignoring me, instead of greeting me he turned to Cassy and kissed her full force on the lips, hard. I thought I was going to cry, I walked away slowly. I couldn't go back to the guys, I would have to explain and i never thought I would ever have to say Tyler has a girlfriend, or Tyler doesn't love me. I never thought that would happen.
I was walking slowly up to a bank, far away from everyone else. Sam smith was on now and I love him but he sings songs so relatable to mine and Tyler's relationship right now I think I would break into a million pieces. I sit there looking at the view, colours everywhere. It was dark now, so all of the colours illuminated in the mist. Everywhere I looked there would be couples hugging, kissing, holding each other it just reminded me of Tyler and Cassy. I sighed in frustration, threw my head in my hands and let a few tears silently slip out of the corners of my eyes. Pain striking my chest with each cold tear.
I sat motionless for what seemed like eternity. In fact it was only about an hour. I laid down with my head on the grass thinking about my life and how complicated it is. I make it look so easy I thought to myself. Why? Why do I try and hide my feels away to try and protect others? By doing that I'm only hurting myself, so what's the point? What's the point in any of this anymore? I'm struggling against my own reality, my own world. I tried to push these thoughts to the back of my head, I don't want to get my old mindset back. I can't go back to that, I promised I wouldn't.
My phone started to ring, I looked at the caller ID
Tyler 💋
Really?! I thought to myself, I huffed and picked up the phone.
"What?" I said annoyed.
"I'm sorry Ash, I was stupid and I wasn't thinking" he pleaded
"Save it! I don't need this" I screamed as I hung up on him.
More and more tears formed in my eyes but I refused to let them spill, I'm not weak. Im going to need to make people realise that.
I got up from the grass, adjusting my shorts. My phones kept beeping, 3 texts from Tyler. I ignored all of them. I had a few texts from Shay too wondering where I got to. I replied to them saying I went home, I didn't feel good.
I was walking out of the Coachella grounds when I turned around to take a picture of the view, and post it to Instagram.

I was walking out of the Coachella grounds when I turned around to take a picture of the view, and post it to Instagram

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@itsashbenzo : Some memories die, some live on. Love you #Coachella 🐝
I kept walking forward my head clearing of any thoughts. It was just me and the environment around me, it was amazing. I was about to cross the street when a car pulled up beside me.
"Need a lift beautiful you look freezing" this Man said to me, eyeing my short outfit up and down. I back away uncomfortably
"Um thank you but I'll walk" I said nodding,
"No get in come on I can't let you walk on you're own" he said getting out of the car to open the door for me. I gave in because I was freezing actually.
"Do you want anything to drink? We can stop off at this pub if you want?" He asked nicely.
"Sure, I am thirsty" I said smiling back at him.
We went into the pub, and I scanned the room and saw Tyler sitting there. I was going to ask to leave but then I thought fuck him, no I'm living my life how I want to.
We both got a seat by the bar, I ordered a few cocktails and so did....
"Um hope you don't mind me asking what is your name?" I said shyly
"Jason" he said looking at me
"And yours?" He questioned
"Ashley. Ashley Benson" I said tucking my hair behind my ear.
"You're on PLL right?" He says laughing at himself.
"Yeah.. I am" I smiled.
"Love that show" he said quietly
"Really?!" I asked surprised.
"Well I've stumbled across it a few times, with my friends daughter because she love it" he explained. I kept laughing.
"Don't laugh" he said pushing my arm slightly. I just stared back at him. I get a text from Tyler.
Ty: who the fuck is that Ashley?! He better not be a stranger I swear. I know you're pissed at me but I don't want you hurt
Ash: I don't have to explain myself to you
I turned around to make sure Tyler was looking, he was. This could be the stupidest mistake of my life.
I pulled Jason in for a passionate kiss, he jumped slightly not expecting it, but he kissed back. I pulled away and took another sip of my drink pretending like nothing happened.
Two can play this game.

A/N hope you like this I will do a part 2 and I will somehow interlock it with my Tyshely story. Hope this didn't confuse anyone, I'm in the Coachella mood :) comment your thoughts on the chapter:)
Love you guys
Ruth XOX

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