Rekindle us

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Tyler's POV
It's been a two days since I was ill on set. Ash has been amazing, everyone has really. I have a very long day on set today, I have action scenes, love scenes and kissing scenes, it's going to be amazing. I got into hair and make up at 8, Ashley was already there.
"Hey T!" She said dabbing my nose with some of her foundation, I laughed and rubbed it off. Ashley is really important to me, the only person who knows how I feel about Ashley expect from me is Keegan, and he promised not to tell her. Ever since I met her I have felt a connection, you know it, I know it, and Marlene knew it. That's why she hired me for definite.
"Ash, after filming do you want to go out, or something. I'm bored of being in the house" I said with a pouty face.
"Sure, where do you want to go?" She asks
"I don't know you pick, I have to get to costume. They will be pissed if I'm late again. There are only so many times you can blame Benson!"I shrug quickly walking out of the makeup trailer, before Ashley gets a chance to reply. I can hear her yelling but I ignore her.
Ashley's POV
"Shay baby!" I scream while shay comes in my dressing room.
"Hey Benzo!" She yells while jumping on me. We are both on our phones, I was looking at a picture me and Ty took earlier, it was really cute. His hair messy just the way I like it. kissing his cheek lightly. I captioned it:
@Itsashbenzo :  Can't keep my hands to myself ;) @tylerjblackburn
I heard Shay laugh a little I looked up at her
"You and Tyler.." She said shaking her head
"Just because you're jealous" I say
"No ash, your in denial. You love him" she said quietly
"Did you just say I love him?" I asked half amazing half shocked.
"Yep I did" she said in her Canadian accent.
I didn't reply back, I just left it because we all know it's true.
I rushed home after we wrapped to get ready for Ty and I's date... Wait it's not a date. A get together. I couldn't decide what to wear. I threw on a long black jumpsuit, with a leather jacket and heels. I put my hair in a sleek low ponytail and accessorised with a sparkly diamond necklace. Before I knew it Tyler was knocking my door.
"Wow Ash you look.. Amazing" he said admiring me, I started to blush so I looked down, he lifted my head up with his hands.
"Hey I want to see you're beautiful face" he says with a smirk.
I gave a nervous laugh because him saying that just reminds me of how much I care for him.
We arrive at the restaurant, and order our food. Tyler keeps starring at me, it's adorable. He looks so hot tonight, he has baggy black jeans on and a leather jacket. His cheekbones look so sharp and so does his jawline, he just looks gorgeous.
"Ash, ash?" I finally hear Ty say while he is snapping his finger in my face.
"Sorry, zoned out" I said laughing while tucking into my food.
We finished our food, it was amazing me and Tyler were walking out hand in hand, because of the paparazzi. They are calling out random things asking us for pictures, we just shun them away until one of them calls out something,
"Tyler have you got Cancer?" One of the camera men scream out. Mine and Tyler's heads look up at them, i look at Tyler, he is completely shocked and hurt. I push him away into his car, I drive away. I look at Ty his face drained of all colour, tears streaming down his face.
"I'm so sorry baby" I said putting my arm around his shoulder
"How did they find out..?" Tyler says confused

A/N poor Tyler baby, I want to thank SarahSchneider8 for the idea of the public knowing. I always appreciate your in put, always. Thanks so much
Ruth XOX

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