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Tyler's POV
It's been days. Days of wondering where she is, why she thought she needed to leave. I'm struggling, not only with my medical news but now the fact that Ashley, the girl I love the most, has decided to walk out of my life! And to who's benefit, well she claims its mine but how? How can I be benefited by the situation when she's the only thing that I am really missing or that I will ever really miss. She must understand that, I have to make her understand that. I need her she's my oxygen.

I'm driving to set, we are filming a new episode today and I'm trying to calm myself because I might see Ash there today. My hands are shaking as I walk to my dressing room, praying to God that I get to see her beautiful face. I walk to set and everybody is crowed round in a huddle, Shay, Troian, Lucy and Sasha there looking very upset.
"Guys what's the matter" I say, they all turn around with shocked expressions on their faces.
"Tyler" Marlene sighs walking towards me.
"What!" I say angrily
"We all need to let you in on something" she says looking down.
"Ashley has quit PLL" she chocked out on the verge of tears.

A/N sorry it's short and sorry to leave you hanging there omg
Love you xx

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