Why cant I understand myself?

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Tyler's POV
The last couple of days have been like no other. I'm still really confused and upset that my medical condition got out to the public. I still feel terrible for suspecting Ashley. Me and Ash are both filming today, we are filming a couple of hard Hanna and Caleb scenes today. But unfortunately she has scenes with Matt today, who plays Jordan. It's really hard to see her kissing him like that because I don't really know what we are, but I know I need to be with her as much as possible. I was getting dressed to go to set when my phone went off:
"Home keep hold of my heart, when I try to run away when I try to run away"
I let out a slight laugh because it's my ring tone when Ash is calling me, i get a lump in my throat every time I hear that song or think of that scene. Seriously we forgot we were even acting it felt so real. I snap out of my thoughts and pick up the phone.
"Hey ash everything okay? "
"Yeah I'm just wondering when you will be on set.. Cause it's just me and ..Matt" She says quietly
"Yeah I'll be there soon... Um rehearse with Matt or something" I say angrily while sighing
"Ty.." She says but I interrupt her
"Yeah sorry I'll be there soon" I say while hanging up on her.
I drive to set and I'm late for my call time as I was distracted by my recent conversation with Ashley. I started to analyse her voice, she didn't sound okay. I maybe over thinking this now... I over think a lot. I run into set with the production team pushing me into my hair and makeup chair while they are all frantic, because of the scenes we have to film today of course. The hair and makeup artists telling me how lucky I am not to be a girl because Marlene would have killed me for being this late, but I don't need as much makeup as the girls do.
"Tyler!" Mar screamed while pushing the door open.
"Yes King!" I say standing up
She shoves today's time table and script in my hand and walks out. I laugh to myself because I know she loves me... She can't stay mad at me for long.
Before she completely leaves I scream to her.
"Mar I love you!" I say with a smile on my face.
"Shut up T" she says laughing too
"I knew you loved me too" I say shaking my head
"Get to set 1 now" she screams shutting the door behind her.  
Ashley's POV
It been just Matt and I on set this morning, he made us practise our scene over and over again, I was getting really uncomfortable. I just wanted Ty to be here because when Tyler isn't here Matt is different around me, he gets very intimate and I don't like it. I was sitting in my dressing room with my coffee, when my door opened.
"Hey Ash, sorry I'm late" Tyler said while shutting the door behind him. Relief swept over me, I hugged him close to me, he hesitated at first but then relaxed into my embrace.
"Hello" I say pulling away from him.
"How did the scenes with Matt go this morning?" He asked. I felt really awkward, what was I suppose to say? Um no he was getting really close and personal with me.
No I can't say that.
"Um.. Great" I say reluctantly, looking back at my phone.
"Good" he says nearly as awkward as me.
"Right shall we?" Tyler said holding out his hand, gesturing me to follow him.
I grab his hand, his fingers intertwine with mine. I feel safe now, I know it's silly but I do.
"I think we shall" I said smiling looking up at him.
We walked out of my dressing room, ready to start the day. Every so often Ty pushed his lips gently onto my head, and a warm feeling spreads over the place where his lips touched. My feelings confuse me so much.

A|N hope you liked this chapter, I loved writing it for you. Remember always comment ideas for me to use they always help. Thanks for reading, keep voting and commenting it means a lot to me. Oh and it's Shay's birthday today!!!
Thank you x
Ruth XOX

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