An Enemy/Traitor Reunion

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It's been a week since I've fought with Rogue and Sting. I have to say, they're two of the strongest people I've fought so far, but that'll change when I fight with Hades. I know that it'll be tough, maybe even suicide, but I will become stronger than him. I have to.

I haven't heard from Jasik in a long time, now that I think about it. I wonder how he's doing? Maybe I'll go visit him later. The last time I saw him, he had moved into a apartment complex on the other side of town. I tried to get him to join Fairy Tail, but he was too stubborn to listen. He said that it 'wasn't his thing.' I gave up, but he'll come around.

After a quick shower and throwing on my casual attire, I set out to Jasik's house. I didn't want to bother Val while she slept, so I decided to play catch-up with my brother. God, that sounds so foreign! It's not everyday that you just randomly call your brother 'brother' after knowing nothing of him or any living relative.

I got to his house and was surprised at the size of it, I mean it was HUGE! It was your typical mansion; all white, Greek columns, gold lions on podiums, and double doors made of oak wood with bronze doorknobs. The yard was massive and sad memories came back as the place reminded me of our house when we were kids.

To the night our parents died.....

Shaking my head, I walked along the path and rang the doorbell. Chimes in a melodic tune rung out as I waited for a response. When no response came, I knocked on the door hard. I heard feet shuffling towards the door and the grumbling of an irritated man, I'm guessing Jasik.

I was surprised when a bald man wearing a tuxedo opened the door. He had a monocle on his left grey eye with a thin gold chain, attached to his collar. He stood up straight, his posture proper and civilized. The mustache under his nose were like two thin lines, perfectly groomed.

He cleared his throat, placing a white-gloved hand over his mouth. "Good morning, Mr. Ichigua will be with you shortly."

My eyebrows shot up to my hairline. "Whoa, since when was Jasik loaded?"

"You know Mr. Ichigua?" He questioned.

"Of course," I frowned. "He's my brother."

The man raised an eyebrow. "Oh, of course. He is expecting you, Lycas."

I smirked as he stepped to the side, allowing me entrance into the household. The inside was as big as it looked outside. The floor was tiled with an expensive looking granite, shining as if it was just waxing this morning. A grand piano sat in the corner that contrasted with the white walls around. A large diamond chandelier hang from the ceiling, illuminating the whole entire area. Two staircases lead up to a balcony above, like Dianne's from my first mission. There were hallways here and there that most likely lead to other rooms I the house.

"The Master's quarters is upstairs down the right hall, third door on the left." The butler-dude informed.

I nodded, heading up the right staircase and down the hall. I noticed many portraits and paintings of important looking people, men and women alike. I stopped in front of the third door, hesitating about knocking. As I raised my hand, I heard muffled voices talking.

Curious, I placed as ear on the door to see what the people were talking about. There were two voices, a man and a woman. They seemed to be in a deep conversations about something.

"...think of our plan. You know we have to kill him." The woman said.

"I don't know, he is last living relative." The man replied.  The voice gives off that it's Jasik.

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