Lost Memories

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Two kids, a boy and a girl, stood near the edge of a cliff on a fierce winter morning. The bitter cold nipped at the girl's bare arms, causing her to shake violently. This didn't go unnoticed to the boy, Lycas.

"Are you cold?" Lycas asked.

The girl nodded. "A bit."

Smiling, Lycas took off his coat and put it around her. At first, she didn't know what to do, until he wrapped his arms around her from behind and zipped up the jacket.

"Won't you freeze?" She questioned, worriedly.

"No," he chuckled. "I am my own heater after all."

The girl...

It was Valerie.

She turned around and faced him, blushing from the cold and his actions. Valerie wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled her nose into his chest. "You're my heater, Ly."

Lycas rested his cheek on top of her head. "So that's your nickname for me? It's cute."

Valerie got on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear, "You're a cute boy who deserves a cute nickname."

When she moved her face, Lycas gazed into her eyes. "Valerie?"

She stared innocently into his passionate gaze. "Yes, Lycas?"

"I-" he cleared his throat. "I really care about you, you know? And I don't know what I'd do if you were gone. We're gonna grow up together, right?"

"Yep, and we're gonna get married and have nine babies." Valerie giggled.

This time Lycas blushed. And it caused Valerie to giggle even more. He didn't want to lose her no matter what...

I woke up, but not with a startled panic moment like I usually do. I stay laid in bed and looked out the window, seeing it was morning. First my parents, then Akira, now this? What is going on with me? Was that....Val in my dream? Was it just a dream? But still, it felt so real, as if it had happened and I was important but felt fogged over.

I started to sit up, but then I noticed something heavy on my chest. At first I started to panic, thinking that I was still dreaming and pinned to the bed.

That was, until I noticed the soft rise and fall of the blanket, even though it was going along with my own breathing. I lifted the blanket up a little and saw light brown hair accompanied with an all too familiar face.


I laid still, hoping I didn't wake her. My mind raced trying to think of how she ended up in my bed, STILL HALF NAKED!!!! I swear I didn't do anything, or at least I didn't remember. Damn, did something happen last night that slipped my mind?! All I did was bring her back in from outside, that's all I did! I pray to God that I didn't-

"Morning Ly," Val murmured.

Wait.... Hold up. That was the name that I was called in my dream...Was that dream real? If so, was it linked to a vision? Did I see my past?

So many things just didn't add up.

I sat up, stirring Val more awake. "What are you doing?"

"I'm tired Ly, let's go back to bed." Val rubbed one eye with her hand, sleepily.

"Why do you keep calling my Ly?" I tried to scoot away, but she was still laying on me.

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