Samuel X Reader (R)

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Heads up from me... No more smut, don't request it. Because I won't be doing it anymore.

"Hey! The therapy helping at all?" The insane voice inside your best friend's head, was getting wayyy to out of hand. First he made him eat meat, when he is a vegetarian. Then to harass random little girls with black hair only, and to top it off, he has been giving him awful migraines because he wouldn't listen. Just awful.
"I mean... He hasn't left my twisted mind." You hug your friend Stu, hoping it all will go away eventually.

You help him get back to his place, not wanting a random outburst to be achieved.
"Thanks for the walk home... I really appreciate it!"
"That is what besties do!" You hug him goodbye, and take your leave. Before he catches your left wrist.
"Come in, the day isn't over yet!" You turned to face him. He had pleading eyes, that begged your soul and heart to follow him. But instinct told you otherwise.
"I really have to go-"
"... Please?" Now that puppy dog face was irresistible. You obliged to his request and joined him for some TV and ice cream.
"... Shut up!" You jump at his sudden yell. He puts his hands to his eyes and shakes his head violently. He then runs upstairs to his room, slamming the door hard behind him. You wait patiently for his return, but when he is up there for more then five minutes. You worry extensively.
"Stu? Stu?! Are you okay up there? I'm coming up!" You holler to him, but no reply or noise is put in response. When you go up, you see the bathroom door open a creak, and movement is visible inside.
"Stu? You in there?" You ask, knocking lightly on the heavy wooden door. It opens, showing no one more then his cat. You then hear a loud crash from his bedroom, that breaks the defining silence that consumed the moderate house. You rush to the door and knock lightly on it.
"... Stu?.." As you were saying his name the door opened slightly showing his frantic self.
"Leave me voice!"
"... No I don't care that you have a name! Just leave me be!"
"... Don't you drag her into this!"
"As I have told you, nothing is between us! Nothing I say!"
"Don't you use fancy words! You know I don't understand them..."

He was talking like a mad man. A full fledged conversation between him and his voice. But the one thing that disturbs me is... Who is that girl that spoke of.

"Stu? Are you okay in here?" He jumps and runs to you.
"Leave before you hear something you won't want to hear!" I was confused, but followed his orders and went to sit on the couch in the living room. After what felt like a eternity, he returned. But was acting really strange.
"Hey, sorry... Had to- uhh.... Solve things..." He was clearly lying, but I played along.
"Like a puzzle?" I asked intriguingly.
"... Sure?" He shrugged and sat next to me on his comfortable white couch.

As the day progressed, he ended up getting closer to me. It wasn't noticeable, until I left his leg on mine.
"Stu you feeling alright? Your acting really weird!"
"I'm not St- I mean... I'm great! Just great..." When he said he was great, he gritted his teeth and was trying to hold somethings back.
"I'll be back!" He yelled out of the blue, and rushed upstairs again. This time I followed right behind.
"You can't just control my body like that! What the fuck is wrong with you Richthofen!" Now I have a name for the voice... But why does that sound German, not American? And also familiar? (Lol)
"You can't force love!"
"You do not have God powers!? Why would you believe that?"
"Hey! Don't change the subject!" Grade A, nut job here. Sorry... He's my friend, crazy, but my friend.

When he was about to leave the bathroom, I snuck back to the living room. Not seen. Once he joined me, I acted like I heard nothing.
"Hey, pretty."
"I called you pretty!? And nothing?!"
"Hi, Rick-something-in."
"Wait what?... Stu..."
"What was that last part?" He whispered the last word 'Stu', which gave away his position.
"Give me my Stulinger back!" I was calm but very forceful with my words.
"... How did you catch me?.."
"Eavesdropping." His jaw dropped and anger took over his face.
"Fine take your little boyfriend..."
"Thanks, I will." I loved this. I put no emotion in any if my words, and it is confusing the fuck out of this alter ego.
"Wait... What?"
"Just give him back... Please, and also leave his body to him." He just gulped and Stu just passed out. When he awoke a few minutes later, he was himself again. Woooooooooooo.
"Hey, ah... Thanks... For everything." He was blushing and not even looking anywhere but the floor.
"Here... Is- uhh... My gratitude?" Just then he kissed my cheek and hugged me. I hugged the man and kissed his cheek too.

Man, that day was weird and special. A combination I never wanted to mix.

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