Tank X Takeo (S)

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Again, requested by: Me and DempseysGirlx02

Takeo's POV

It was the most honourable day. My beloved friend, Tank Dempsey invited me to his new house to show me around. Weird thing is, he didn't invite his long time girlfriend Misty... But I won't let that ruin our one-on-one bro time! I straightened my outfit and got into my car, driving to his new two-story house; just a few blocks away.

"Hey! Come in, come in!" He practically dragged me into a gorgeous greeting room, patting my back the whole time.
"How was the drive here, hope traffic didn't slow you down too bad." I nodded and rubbed my hand on a nearby table as we passed it.
"Great place you have here, bet it wasn't cheap..."
"Why thank you. Anyway, you wanted the tour correct?" I nodded and he spread his arms out with a wide grin.
"Main hall." He pointed to his left.
"Kitchen, down this way..." Then to the right.
"Two bedrooms that way, along with a bathroom..." Pointed to a staircase that was to my left.
"And up there, master bedroom and a master bath!" I tried to process the information as he led me to the kitchen, with modern technology and granite countertops. He smirked at my awed face and directed me to a door.
"Down here is a cellar. I'm thinking of putting a bunch of liquors and wines down there, for when you and guys come over! Whatcha think?"
"Sounds great... As long as you have Saki down there for me!" We shared a good laugh and promised some for me. He skipped the grand dining room he had and led me to the bedrooms down the other hall.
"Just guest rooms, nothing fancy. The bathroom isn't something to gosh over either..." His shrug and none caring attitude showed a very small liking to this part of the house. But he then rushed to the stairs, with his wide smile again.
"This part will. Blow. Your. Mind! Come on!" I walked to the stairs, shaking my head to his childish behavior. He then pushed the master bedroom door open to reveal a masterpiece of a room. Satin sheets on a waterbed, and velvet carpet covering the floor. The large windows letting excellent light in, and view I would die to have!
"Your face says you love it, but do you really?" I couldn't conger words to express how much I love it!
".... It's absolutely fabulous. Honour to the max... Uhhh, I can't find more words to describe it!" His smile widened when I mentioned 'honour'. He knows I don't throw that word around, unless I mean it!
"Hehehehe... Yeah." He closed the door behind us and his face when a shade that resembles a Sakura blossom.
"You okay Ta-" He cut me off with a kiss to the lips. I froze instantly and didn't know what to do... I felt a burning sensation in my face. I then fell back and crawled away on the floor. I eyed him in fear, where did that even come from?!
"Uhhh.... So-Sorry... I uhh, well, uhhh..." His words trailed off as his face was even more pink and even red in some areas. I scrambled to my feet, unsure of what to say or do... Did he actually just kiss me?! What, huh, why... Urg! I'm so confused!
"I have to go!" I bolted to the door and left the house. I just hope this situation doesn't ruin our relationship...

Few weeks later...

Tank's POV

(American) Football season, my favorite season! I've got Richthofen, Nikolai, and... Takeo coming. I can't believe Takeo's even coming, especially with previous events. But he looked so cute, and I wanted to make that moment special. Guess he didn't feel the sparks I did... Oh well. He will tonight, I know he will! I went down to the cellar, that I made half a alcohol storage and the rest a man cave. All gaming consoles and a flat screen, with a sick couch. I waited for the guys to arrive, turning the TV on and drinking a bit of whiskey as I wait.

"Paaarrtttyaa!" Guess Nikolai made it here okay...
"Shh, vhy must you be so loud?!" ... And Richthofen. Guess they carpooled, good thing I guess. Nikolai would probably run people over if he was behind the wheel! They both stepped down to me and took seats on the couch. Nikolai pulled out seven bottles of Vodka and placed them on the coffee table that separated the couch from the TV.
"Mine. Got it? If you do touch..." -places knife on table- "... I will not hesitate." Richthofen and I nodded our heads and sat back, letting him chug his drink in peace.

Takeo soon arrived and he was really quiet. I couldn't help but glance at him occasionally and blush more each time. He sometimes looked my way then quickly back to the game, showing much discomfort. Nikolai shoved drinks down Richthofen's throat, and soon both were passed out on the couches. So me and Tak left them and went to watch the rest of the game in my room, which happened to be the master bedroom.

He sat on the bed, leaving a space between him and me and kept his gaze on the screen. I don't even think we cared about Football, but was pretending to be into it so he wouldn't have to talk to me. If that's the case, he didn't have to come over to hangout...

Takeo's POV

This is so awkward... I hope my face isn't red, or else that will make things even worse. Ever since that day when Tank kissed me in this very room, I've kind of developed feeling for him. Dishonourable urges to... Rip off his clothes and take him. After this though ran through my mind, I felt my face burn up.
"You okay there Tak...?" I nodded and avoided my face from his eyes, so he won't see my pink cheeks.
"Your really quiet... What's wrong?" I bit my lip and shrugged. He then forced me to look at him, then he knew by the look in my eyes what's wrong. I saw his cheeks redden and a smile spread on his face, and he leaned in to kiss me again. Instead of freezing up again, I kissed back and fell with him on the bed. Our simple kiss turned into making out and soon some shirts were unbuttoned. He then reached out and unbuckled my pants and slid them down, increasing my blush and love for him. Then he slid his sneaky hand into my briefs and touched my dick. I separated from him and looked at him scared.... I've never done anything like this before!
"Don't you like it? Especially when I..." -he gripped it and went up and down on the shaft- "go like this?" I bit my lip and held in a moan. Unsure of if I wanted this or not.
"N-No... No... Stop. I don't, want this." I pushed his away, and pulled up my pants. He gave me a reassuring look and nodded.
"I understand... I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable, Dumpling." I blushed at the nickname and kissed his nose.
"I-I best get home... Night, Ta-Tank." I got up and left the house. Replaying that crazy moment in bed again and again in my mind.


Not quite sexy time, but a lot of kissing. But there were private touching, so they did go to the second base!

~Ender, imagining this fanfic and throwing up, out

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