Samantha X Reader

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         You both are kids.... If you thought I'd do some messed up shit with an adult and child, you have another thing coming! Anyway, enjoy.

      As the trees and houses flew past, I grew ever more excited to see her. I just wish we could spend more time together, she is my BFF after all! I looked away from the window and gave a toothy grin to my mother, who was excited as well. She usually enjoys a long conversation with someone who shares a sharp mind, under a tree in a peace filled meadow.

     Soon her cottage was peaking behind a few hills. Our buggy pulled down the dirt and gravel road and we were met with the warm comfort of their gentle porch. One step on it, and it creaked softly with our steps. My mother placed her knuckles on the oak wood door and tapped on it with care. Samantha's father soon opened the door wide and welcomed us in with hugs, and a friendly kiss on my mother's cheek.
    "Sophia, glad you could make it. And you brought the little one." He crouched to my height and gently touched my shoulder. "Sam is upstairs in her room."
   And with that, I left my mother's side and ran up the steps to see my bestie. I gently pushed the door open, and was immediately pounded to the floor with a scream.
   "YOU CAME!" I released myself from her tight grasp and straightened my chothes.
   "Yep. It's amazing to see you again, Sammy! I missed you." A squeal and several hugs later, we started to play several different games.
    Tick Tak Toe, Hide and Seek, and even had a little tea party... Even if I'm a boy.

     But the fun can't last forever...
   "It's time for us to go. Say goodbye to Samantha and Ludvig before you get into the buggy." My mother turned on her heel and kissed Samantha's father's cheek which changed the shade of his complexion. I hugged both and left a trail of despair as I stepped off the last step and entered the buggy and took up the space next to my mother. I looked out the window and glanced at the house, each window illuminated to ward off the darkness that plagued the fields outside. The moon hung high in the sky and lighted a path for the stars to follow. I looked back at the house and saw Samantha holding a poster out of her bedroom window, it read;

       I can't wait to see you again brother!!! ❤❤❤

   Brother? Is that what I am to her? That's amazing, I thought she just wanted to be friends but pretend siblings?! I've always wanted a sister!
    My mother smiled at me and spoke words of magic for me to enjoy.
   "I guess he beat me to it. When we got home, I was going to tell you that me and Ludvig have been very close. We've gotten closer by the days, and today was the day I've dreamt of since we started seeing each other. Very soon, you will have a father and a sister who love you dearly." I hugged her tight and begged her to tell me this was reality.

   It was.

   After a month, I was sleeping in a room across from Samantha's. It was great to have a family... But this wasn't my home. I miss the city, and my dearest friends... But my mother is happy. She loves Ludvig and Samantha, so I can't complain.

    I crept from my bed and went to the window in my room. It had a clear view of the twilight plains, which had grass of violet that danced to the tune of the night's breeze. I placed my palm to the cool glass and sighed, leaving a cloudy mark on the window. I walked away from it and glided my hand along the window pane. I took a stroll around the room, then laid down on my bed. I slept with no dreams, and awoke without a smile.


    I missed it when we were just two families, with bonds of friendship. Now it's just not the same...

    It's never going to be the same.

  Ever, again.... Oh, well


Author's Note:

   Um, this is something.... Not all X Readers have to always involve couples, but this kinda had a weird turn. It was cute to start, then I got lazy and it went to shit.... This is why you don't spend three days straight in bed. It really fucks your brain... Not even sure I'm typing actual words, or sentences that make sense.


   ~Ender, holding it together... Slightly, out


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