Monty X Reader (R)

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Okay, I get it. I've been gone. I've had to deal with a breakup, hectic school work, drama with friends, and long ass vacations without internet. It's been awhile since I've had time to sit down and write... So, I decided to do that. With my favourite character from BO III... The elusive Dr. Monty! Enjoy and comment about a story I should of published by now but forgot. I know there has to be some

       Your POV

  You were enjoying a pleasant meal... At least until this guy comes over and tries to hit on you.
   "I created this place, everything-" -He kisses your hand and winks- "Even your perfect self!"
    You sit up in a huff and walk away. I fucking hate men like that, always thinking they're responsible for shit they have no control over!
    He steps in front of my view and blocks me from my destination.
   "Excuse me! Don't you catch a hint?"
   "I would, if you weren't so damn perfect... Like the world we all dwell in." He finished it off with a wink and a reach for my hand and waist. I backed up and stood firm, giving clear indication for him to back the fuck off. I tried to step around him, but he did everything in his power to stop me, then with actual power. A yellow glow formed in his hand and he gravitated me towards his person.
    "H-Hey! I don't like this! Let me go, you psycho!" He sighed and released me from his clutches.
    "I can form emotions... Only shift them if they exist. Now let me see if they exist." He stood there are awhile, which made a great opportunity to run the hell out of there! I booked it to my car and drove all the g way home without stopping... May have been a mistake since I needed gas. I shut my door and heard a loud crash upstairs. I crept up the steps and saw it was my cat; The one bitch I don't mind living with.
    "Aw, come here." I picked her up and saw what cracked, it was a framed photo. I put my kitty down and picked it up; Surprise and awe flooded my body when I took my first glance.
   "It... Can't be. No!" I through it to the ground and started to shake from the anger filled tears. "This fucking stalker is going to die!" I stomped down to the basement and constructed a Frankinstein of a weapon and got in my car.
   "... He had to alter one of my favourite photos... Now I'll alter his body into a gruesome mess." I started my car to no prevail. "I should of fucking got gas!" I slammed my head against the steering wheel and screamed angerly at the top of my lungs. Then a tap was placed on the window next to me, I glanced to see who it was... Only to see the man I was destined to kill.
    "Hey, need some help there beautiful?"
    "Leave me the fuck alone, you creep!" I raised my weapon and gave a threating look. He raised his hands up in defense and asked a simple question.
    "You know what!" Raises the picture of me and my now deceased husband.
    "You fucking put your face on my fucking husband! He was my everything, and you fucked it up!" He looked at the picture and his face went pale. I bet he is trying to make up a lie for this....
    "I... I used to be that man... Honestly. Then I was given large amounts of power and now I guard over this entire universe. I didn't remember being married, but I could of. I mean look at my sexy looks!" He stroke a pose and made duck lips, the oldest trend that little girls did. I held in a laugh and kept my firm position.
   "Likely story, I don't believe you. Tell me the reason why you had to torture me with this terrible memory when he disappeared, or I'll end you right here, right now!" He pulled out his hand and touched my head, he transferred memories to me... Either memories or visions. I saw some of my wedding day, but from my husband's veiw. I even saw the times he would jumpscare me around the house... I even saw things I heard, but not seen, like the times he talked to himself in the bathroom. Or when he woke up around four in the morning.
    "How do you know this shit?!"
    "Because I experienced it... Here's something you've always wanted to know." He showed me the time he left for groceries... For the last time. He left the house and was confronted by hooded men, then pulled away to a underground hideout. He was then sacrificed to their gods and left his body, to be transformed into what his is now. I backed away once the vision was over and looked at him.
    "Tell me one thing only me and my husband would know."
    "We couldn't have kids... So before I left, you were looking for a child to adopt. You always wanted a son." I almost burst into tears, but held them back. But once I hugged his torso, they flew out and soaked his plaid jacket. He is who he said he was... I feel so terrible to have second guessed him.
    "Hey it's alright, everyone makes mistakes..."
    "You heard me?"
   "I heard your thoughts... I know everything now."
    "... Do you forgive me?" With a kiss he replied.
    "Of course." Then a thought crossed my mind and he answered it for me.
    "It's Dr. Monty... But you can call me by what you remember."
    ".... Morty...." With the name I smiled and hugged him tighter.
    "Uhh, actually... I think Monty is better."
    "If you say so... Morty!"
    "Oh come on, that's so childish!" We shared a laugh, and I soon learned to love him... Again.

Author's Note

Yo, hope you enjoyed. I'm back bitches, and I'm not staying for long. I have a stressful day ahead of me, everyday, so I can't write stories like I used to. This one took me three weeks! Imagine every other story! This one isn't even that long, and probably has a few grammatical errors that I won't fix since I don't have time. Sorry. Anyway, I have shit to do and BO III to play. Peace out bitches, and let Monty be with you!

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