Ayane X Takeo (R)

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Requested by: ayane__masaki

New Takeo. Let us role.


Ayane's POV

The air was mild, and the sky was clouded over. Not the best day for my husband's return from war, but if I get to see him again, this day will be amazing. The best of my life... Other then our wedding of course. That day was almost magical...
"Mommy? Is daddy home yet?" I glanced down to my sweet, little baby girl, Gracie.
"No. But he will be soon. Just be patient little dumpling." I pouted and stood looking out the window next to me. The slight gusts lightly swayed our hair, and the cherry blossom petals moved with the wind without resistance.
Soon I heard the sound of horses trotting on dirt and gravel. That must be him! He must of returned from his mission. Me and Gracie rushed out the door to see him ride up to us.

Dark hair. Green uniform. Katana in sheath. That's Takeo alright! My husband has returned to me! He slowly got off the steed and turned to us. I ran to him, but stopped. Why isn't he happy to see us? We're his family... He slowly approached me and stroked my cheek.
"We aren't safe here. We must move to safer ground, but even then we won't escape."
"What are you talking about? What's going on?"
"Daddy? Why are you sad?" He smiled and picked our little angle up into his arms. I directed to me these orders.
"Go pack essentials. Water, clothes, and food. We don't have much time before they reach this land." I studied his face, before bolting into the house. Gathering what we will need.
"Clothes." I rummaged through all the drawers and threw several articles into a sack.
"Check. Now food." I did the same with the food and water, as I did with the clothes. I carried the three sacks outside with my family. Takeo turned to face me and helped strap all our belongings to the noble steed.
"Get on, and don't look back."
"Aren't you coming?!"
"No. I will fight till my last breath. A Masaki doesn't quit, even if evil draws near." He drew his katana and got into a fighting stance.
"... I can't leave you."
"I will always love you. But I cannot come with. My honor and loyalty belongs to the emperor, so I must fight for him and all of Japan." I saw a tear stream down his face.
"I love you too." I pulled the reigns on the horse and it galloped towards the nearest military base. I saw the fog surround him in the distance. He disappeared into the haze, and I might never see him again.

"Masaki, Ayane."
"You may enter. Masaki housing is down that way." The soldier pointed down a trail to my left. I followed it down, till I saw a sign that held our last name. Inside the house was two cots, a stove, three cabinets, and a dresser. It was all crammed into one room, making me feel claustrophobic.
"Is this our new home, mommy?"
"Yes. Yes it is. I guess the war isn't over... It will be years until you see your father again." She went over to me and hugged my legs.
"At least I have you." I smiled down to her and stroked her soft black hair.
"Yeah. We only have each other."
"I love you mommy."
"I love you too dumpling." Just then loud alarms sounded. I gripped my daughter in fear.
"Everyone head to the security bunker immediately. I repeat, everyone head to the security bunker immediately!" I pulled Gracie into my arms and ran outside. I followed a family to the bunker entrance. Several soldiers ushered people in with urgency.
"What's going on?"
"Ma'am, there is no time! Move in everyone!" He practically shoved me down into the bunker. Several people were whispering theories of what's going on. While some cried softly with their families.
"I saw tall Nazi soldiers breaking down the gate."
"... They had unnatural yellow eyes..."
"... Missing limbs and still moving..."
"... Undead..."
"... Monsters..."

"Mommy? Is it true? Are monsters going to eat us?"
"No. No. Don't worry dear. Monsters aren't real, and the German's are on our side... Why would they hurt us?"
"Because their bad people."
"No. Their good guys, like us. America and Russia are bad." Suddenly ear piercing screams silenced everyone. We all heard rapid gun shots... Then, silence. Soft foot steps got nearer to the entrance. Then loud bangs echoed off the heavy door. Move bangs soon joined and the screaming returned. It was like something from a nightmare. Everyone coward towards the back, hugging onto the ones they loved. I closed my eyes and hugged Gracie tight.
Then more gun shots were heard, and the bangs and screams faded. Soon the door opened, to a American, Russian, and German soldier. And behind the three men was Takeo!
"Takeo!" I rushed pass the three and hugged my husband tight.
"Back up lady! Everyone, you are not safe here. All of you must evacuate the premises."
"What's going on?!" I got mad that everyone was pushing me around. I wanted answers, so I'm getting them!
"... Undead Nazi masses roam the land, and they will not stop until everything is destroyed and dead."
"Mommy? You said monster weren't real..."
"Your mom is right. But this time... This time, nightmares came to reality." The American stepped up and helped pull people out of the bunker and outside. I then noticed the destruction... All the temporary homes were burned to the ground. Ash and embers blew in the wind, and heavy smoke clouded the skies above. It felt almost too real.
"Takeo, were ever you are going... I'm going too." The German got between us and pushed me away from him.
"No, you best not. These creatures are dangerous, and will not stop. You have a child to raise, don't leave her behind." I looked back at my terrified daughter.
"... You're right... Goodbye, Takeo." He turned to face me.
"Goodbye Ayane. And goodbye Gracie."
"Bye... Daddy..." She was fully crying. Each tear breaking my heart, and his. What was I thinking, leaving her here like this? I can't risk her dying out here... She's all I have left of him.

*Crys softly*... *Clears throat* Uh, what? No I wasn't crying... Just dust. And cat fur. Lots of cat fur. Anyway... Hope you enjoyed, Ayane Masaki!

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