Russman X Reader (R)

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Ender here,

First off, I don't expect anyone to want this. And I really am bored so it's happening anyway. Don't expect a good story or proper spelling... I won't be trying on this one.

~Ender, out


He was quite kind when you think back to the old days. You were just five and he was a neighborhood friend, from down the street. Now in your golden years, don't remember specifics, but remember that they were all happy and simple times.
Now as your sister's grandchildren visit you in your old persons home only once every three years, you feel even more lonely each passing hour. Trying to recall the great memories of him. Oh what was his name again.... R-Something..... Ugh, it'll come to me.

Well he was a gentleman even at his age. Speaks when spoken to and keeps comments to himself. Back in 2010... How life has left us. Now in year 2026, people have lost their touch. With their holo-screens and virtual watches. Hasn't technology gone far enough?

"Ma'am. You have a visitor." I was curious for my nurse's remark. A visitor.... My grandchildren visited just last year, too early for them to visit, so who could it b-...

"It's you!" He ran to you and hugged you tight. The boy from those grand years, right before your faded eyes.
"I missed you..." His words wavered and cracked with tears forming within his deep brown eyes.
He pulled away and you gazed deep into his dreamy eyes. He never changed.
"You were the boy from down the street right?" He looked back at your nurse with consern in his eyes. Then looks back at you.
"Ye-Yeah." He was hiding something. You could read his facial expression, every cress and bend.
"Something wrong.... Uh....?"
"Russman?" He says finishing your sentence hopefully.
"Yea-Yeah...." Then the memories rush back to your head.

You were married to him! And you had kids too... A whole family!
"Russman! I-I remember! We-We had a nice house in Ohio, and-and we had a baby boy and girl soon after!" He was beaming with each word you said. His tears flowed more fluent and the nurse was frozen with shock behind his shoulder.
I was crying too... How could I not?! I found out my childhood friend is my husband!
"Ho-How come I didn't remember you?" I ask between sobs of pure joy.
"Altimeters... They hit you hard." Of course! But I'm only in my sixtys... This soon? Also how long?

"Ready to go home?" He asked as he escorted me to our supposed vehicle. We drove into the setting sun, holding hands the whole way.

Awwwww! I love this one. I wasn't really planning on this ending, but it works as well. I was aiming towards a more tragic ending. Oh well.

~Ender, crying softly, out

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