Tank X Takeo (R)

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Requested by: Me and DempseysGirlx02

Tank's POV

"It's another shit day..." I sighed and closed the curtains over my bedroom window. Although people say bright skies and a blaring sun are a great day, I would have to disagree because of the date. June 12th. The day the world I knew gave out and left me to survive on my own... The day he left my side and joined Richthofen's. God I hate that smart jerk! Why can't he let me have my happiness?! I rested myself back in bed, and kept my bare chest uncovered. For this is the way I stayed every year up until that point.
"I miss you so much Nikolai... Why can't you realize that?!" I cried and screamed at myself, making my roommate Takeo acknowledge my despite need of a friend. He knocked on my door and entered not saying a word. I kept my eyes on the slowly purpling fan on the ceiling and spoke,
"What do you want?" He sat on my bed and ignored the sass I threw at him.
"I didn't know you cried..."
"Everyone fucking cries, Tak! It's human nature..." He patted my leg and smiled at me.
"Well what's wrong then? If you mind me asking, that is." I pointed to my calendar, today's date was stabbed by one of my many knifes. A heart crudely drawn around the stabbing point.
"... Oh. You don't like today. I see." He got up and pulled the knife out and noticed the heart. Making me a little anxious.
"Mind I ask why you stabbed a heart on today's date?"
"Yes." I held my jaw shut, to hold in the nasty details and bile that would make him run away from me. He sighed and put the knife back, exactly where it was before, and sat down again next to me. I felt his attitude change and his position shifted to face me. He placed his left hand on my chest. I jumped from the coldness of his palm, but held me firmly down.
"Tak... What are-" He covered my mouth and pulled up a picture of Nikolai from his pocket.
"Is this why you hate today?" How the fuck could he possibly fucking know that?! He doesn't even know I was best friends with him! I nodded skeptically and allowed him to proceed.
"Dishonourable jerk... Stole my best friend away from me and turned him against me." I saw the pain in his eyes and his hands tremble from reacquiring memories. He slowly released my mouth so I could speak to him.
"Who was your friend?"
"... Edward Richthofen. He was funny, respectful, and very polite. But once this man entered his life, the Edward I knew vanished. Soon he would push me in puddles and mock my honour... Disgracing our friendship." Nikolai did that? But he was a great guy... Always was there to help a brother out, but this out of character for him.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you..." He smirked at me and looked at my calendar.
"We just have to blow away the ashes of the past, to have a clear view of the future..." Hm. Weird way to put it, but I guess it works.... Kinda.
"Yeah... Something like that." Takeo looked at me and touched my heart.
"There is much good and honour in you, Tank. Harness and use it, to better yourself for future challenges. He then got up and left my room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I then awoke. Scared I looked at my calendar and saw it was June 12th...
"... What the fuck? It was just... Was that all a dream?! Holy shit, it seemed so real..." Takeo walked in my room concerned with my yelling.
"What's wrong Tank?" I looked at him, then smiled.
"Absolutely nothing."



Alright. Tankeo. It happened. Uhhh, not much to say other then;


~Ender, still trying to find people to do Moon EE with, out

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